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2018 40 Under 40: Caleb Arthur, 31

CEO, Sun Solar LLC

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After several years as a commissioned peace officer and a brief stint as an insurance agent, Caleb Arthur decided to blaze his own path. So he founded Missouri Sun Solar LLC, which he continues to own and operate – all while working to promote sustainable resource management. It’s good business to show firsthand how to accomplish the task. His years of public service as a police officer and firefighter also gave Arthur a healthy perspective on what’s important in life. Continuing to give back, Sun Solar donated an entire solar panel system to the Eden Village project, Springfield’s tiny home community for people who are homeless and chronically disabled. Similar community work spans into his free time, and Arthur is currently seated for a second term as president of the Missouri Solar Energy Industries Association.

What’s your most treasured possession? My solar-powered tractor. I try to find unique ways to preserve energy.

What about your job would shock clients? The number of hours it takes to be successful. Early mornings, late nights and extended weekends are not unusual. I am grateful to have such a supportive family through it all.

What did you learn the hard way? Putting the right people in the right positions, and that trust and loyalty is key to a successful business.

What historical figure do you identify with most? Alexander Graham Bell was such an innovator.


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