Springfield, MO
Charles Evans is a creative innovator identifying methods to improve systems for both his co-workers and clients. As senior manager of technology transformation at AECI, Evans focuses on ensuring the systems used by the company work most efficiently. For his efforts, he was awarded the AECI Excel Award for redesigning transmission studies.
The Pensacola Christian College graduate also is co-founder and chief operating officer of MetaMythic LLC, where the team assists businesses to decipher the intricate world of cybersecurity. The startup has earned several awards since its founding in 2014.
What was your first job? A paperboy. I woke up early every day to meet guaranteed delivery of 6 a.m. through the rain, snow, sleet, ice and bitter cold.
What are you doing to make the Ozarks better? My wife makes it a family effort. Working with the kids at Rare Breed, befriending the hundreds of refugees in our community, caring for the homeless, mentoring college students, serving at local schools and teaching at our church.
What is your best productivity hack? We need to spend our time very intentionally by putting structure into our day and being fully in every moment.
What was your professional aha moment? I was giving too much focus to investing in my weaknesses. I have begun to embrace the strengths that truly make my leadership unique.
A new and improved Reed Academy is being constructed on the middle school’s original site to preserve a neighborhood connection that goes back a century.
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