Springfield, MO
As the newest member of Lowther Johnson Attorneys at Law LLC, Austin Fax says he has a renewed and expanded focus for the job.
He was appointed as a member in January.
The attorney works with an array of clients, whom he says expect different things from him.
A large part of his practice is dedicated to clients who have had life-changing personal injuries, have experienced sexual assault or are dealing with the wrongful death of family members.
“Oftentimes, those clients have never had to deal with the repercussions that those situations present and they trust me to guide them through the process, advise them to the resources available and counsel them on what a fair outcome or result is for their case,” he says.
Fax works in the real estate and property practice area, and represents business clients.
A key goal is to help his clients receive financial judgments or settlements in their cases.
“It is impossible to overstate how important that is to some of my clients, as it can be the difference between paying off their bills or going into debt, feeding their family or not,” he says.
Fax also has participated in cases for the higher courts, such as the Southern District Court of Appeals and the Missouri Supreme Court.
Professionally, Fax is involved in the Springfield Metropolitan Bar Association and the Missouri Bar. He serves on the Bench and Bar Committee for the local chapter, which helps to provide attorneys, judges and members of the public information relating to court rules, obstacles faced by the court and improvements to the court system in expediting case resolution.
Fax previously was chair of the Springfield Bar’s 4L/Tour de Courts mentorship program for new lawyers.
“I was extremely lucky to have a strong group of colleagues teach me how to practice law,” he says. “I feel it is my duty to pass that on to the newest class of attorneys in this area.”
Fax also mentors within his own office.
He says he’s been able to have a hand in training other associates and clerks.
“Though (mentoring) is not technically in my job description, it is perhaps what I am most proud of in my time as an attorney,” Fax says.
Outside of the office, he serves on the board of directors of The Victim Center Inc., and he previously was a board member for Rotaract Club of Springfield.
Like all industries, the legal world also is dealing with an “ever-changing landscape,” he says, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. New advice from attorneys to clients involves the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s eviction moratorium, insurance claim issues, Paycheck Protection Program loans, and labor and employment issues.
“As attorneys, we owe it to our clients to specifically focus our education on these topics throughout continuing legal education requirements,” Fax says. “As this is a completely new landscape, there is not going to be a substantial amount of case law or guidance on how to handle this litigation. More than ever, attorneys have to be able to learn on the fly and pivot when things change.”
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