Springfield, MO

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Loa Freeman

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Leadership Lessons Learned 

Along life’s journey, strong leaders have surrounded me. From them I have gathered valuable Leadership Lessons Learned (LLL).  


My great grandmothers, grandmothers, and mother were women who worked outside the home and volunteered for everything. 

LLL: If someone is in need of your help and you have the energy and resources, help them. And, “Stop crying over spilt milk and get the job done.” 


My stepfather’s family owned Dale Carnegie franchises. I travelled with him on sales calls to learn from him. He was a man of great integrity.  

LLL: Not all people with titles are leaders. Treat all people with cordiality and courteousness.  

Strong Women 

My early professional leadership development came from my mentors, Elise Crain and Anne Drummond. I learned about gender issues and how to ask for what you want. 

LLL: Have a plan of action and ask for help. Arrive early and stay late. Be tough without being inappropriate.  

Yoga Masters 

At 18 I studied under yoga masters Judith Lasater, Madji Indra Devi and Guruji Sri BKS Iyengar and more.  

LLL: Caring leadership will help you stand on your two feet as you move toward maturity of mind, spirit, and wisdom.   

Friends and Mentors 

Daily, I am influenced by friends and mentors Elise Crain, Suzanne Dollar, and Tom Strong. They are retired and continue to demonstrate leadership. 

LLL: Leadership is a life-long commitment and is developed by surrounding yourself with leaders, by the materials you read, and by the things you listen to and watch. 

I am grateful for each opportunity to learn from so many leaders and to lead with gratitude, compassion and commitment. 

Loa Freeman  


Success Naturally Inc.  

4911 S Palmer Ave 

Springfield MO 65804 



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