Springfield, MO
Owner: Spokane R-VII School District
Construction manager: Nabholz Construction Corp.
Architect: Sapp Design Associates Architects Inc.
Engineers: Toth and Associates Inc, civil and structural; and Interpres Building Solutions LLC, mechanical, electrical and plumbing
Size: 4,400 square feet
Cost: $4.5 million
Estimated completion: March
Funding source: General obligation bonds
Project description: The two-level athletic Field House on the Spokane High School campus includes a concession area, restrooms and field storage on the first level, and media rooms, a coach’s room and a guest suite on the upper level, all overlooking the softball field and track-and-field areas, according to Bay Mourer, business development officer with Nabholz Construction, which headed up the $6 million in bond projects approved by voters in 2022. Outside the facility, sidewalks, fencing and a stairway to the athletic fields are planned. Other projects are a remodel of the high school’s 2,500-square-foot locker room and the repurposing of 6,300 square feet of middle school space into new district offices, a board room and four classrooms, and the district’s early childhood center will receive a new secure and accessible entrance vestibule.
A new and improved Reed Academy is being constructed on the middle school’s original site to preserve a neighborhood connection that goes back a century.