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McKenzie Robinson | SBJ

2022 40 Under 40: Lindsay Tobin

Ascensus LLC

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One might say Lindsay Tobin bleeds education. She’s worked since 2008 in higher ed, the past decade at Drury University.

She’s finishing her stint as Drury’s director of admission and now is in a new role with Ascensus LLC as relationship manager for Missouri’s MOST 529 Plan.

At Drury, Tobin, 38, relished the chance to connect with families and help make college a reality for hundreds of students. That type of work will continue with Ascensus but on a statewide level.

“I will be speaking about the importance of saving for college, the tax benefits of 529 plans, and how the MOST 529 Plan isn’t just for college, but for K-12 private schools in Missouri,” she says.

Tobin has also served as treasurer for the Missouri Association of College Admission Counseling and on The Summit Preparatory School Board of Trustees.

Best piece of advice you’ve ever received? Work in the service industry at some point. It will make you a better and more understanding person.

Best celebrity meeting/sighting story? I was mistaken as a Bahraini celebrity in a shopping mall in Doha, Qatar. I was whisked away to a private room and served hors d’oeuvres and lattes while shop assistants brought me items they thought I might be interested in.

Favorite hobby or creative outlet? I love to ride my bike for miles and miles along the Frisco Highline Trail.


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