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Work continues to build new CEO-led nonprofit 

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Work is continuing to establish a board of directors for a new nonprofit dedicated to regional branding, workforce development and quality of life. 

Hatch Foundation Executive Director Erin Danastasio called LORE – Leaders for Ozarks Region Evolvement – “a definite thing.” The LORE name was announced in April after the Hatch Foundation and Community Foundation of the Ozarks Inc. in January recommended the creation of a new nonprofit. 

“It is happening,” Danastasio said. “We have a fund that’s been created, and it’s being housed out of the Community Foundation for the Ozarks currently.” 

In an April 3 Springfield Business Journal story, Danastasio said the goal was to be able to announce the board of directors in May or June. That board is to be made up of CEOs and owners of key regional businesses, each bringing an investment of $25,000 in the project with the purpose of working to catalyze transformation over the next 20 years. 

“The reality is that we’re still meeting with individuals that represent businesses,” she said. 

Danastasio is working to build the board alongside Dean Thompson, executive director of regionalism and economic development for the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce and vice president and chief economic development officer for City Utilities of Springfield. 

The organization will apply for 501(c)3 status, but to do so, it needs a board of directors and bylaws. Once these are in place, the process can take a year for approval, she said. Until then, funds are being managed by CFO. 

Danastasio verified that two board members have signed on and paid into the fund, and other board members have committed but just learned about the CFO account at a meeting yesterday. Things are happening quickly, she said. 

“That was the first opportunity we had to get everyone in the room and update them on progress that has been made,” she said, declining to disclose the board members who have signed on so far. 

Danastasio said she and Thompson believe they can wrap up conversations in the next 30-60 days. 

“At that time, we really hope to be able to announce investors and organizational goals as well,” she said. 

Danastasio said the two have been encouraged by the input they have received, including data from a survey anyone can take at the LORE website, The survey asks about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats faced by the region, and it also asks respondents to list three big ideas that could evolve the area. 

She said some regional strengths identified in the survey include natural resources, accessible roadways and rail, education and workforce training, and what she called “genuine Ozark hospitality.” 

Areas of concern include lack of workforce housing, talent attraction and retention, identity and issues with child care accessibility. 

LORE will serve a 10-county region consisting of Barry, Christian, Dade, Dallas, Greene, Lawrence, Polk, Stone, Taney and Webster counties. 

“We want to make sure we’re getting proper representation from throughout the region,” Danastasio said. “It’s not just Springfield, and we want to make sure that is something that’s front of mind.” 

She said 50 years ago, Springfield was viewed as a supportive force in the region, but more recently, that vision of the city has changed somewhat. 

“I don’t know what has changed or why it has changed or why we are not all supporting each other, and I don’t know that it’s just Springfield,” she said. “What I do know is that there’s a picture being painted, and I don’t like it.” 

At the most recent meeting of organizers, Danastasio said she saw a lot of synergy. 

“It was great having a lot of heads nodding,” she said. “This is going to make a big impact on the region as a whole.” 


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