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Researched by: Sara Phillips

Name No. of 1 Local Types of Top Yr Address / Zip Local F/T Support Insurance Companies Other Local Estab Telephone / Fax Lic Agts Staff Offered Represented Services Executives Spfd 1 PJC Insurance Independent agencies Darrell & Danette 1801 W Norton / 65803 29 8 Commercial, property, casualty, representing none Proctor, Steve & 1968 833-3800 / 833-0801 or 833-0753 group & individual health 44 companies Dennis Chappell

2 Marketing Financial Services Life, health, annuities, American General, Jefferson Mutual funds, Robert Lockhart

1000 W Sunshine, Ste 206 / 65807 26 5 Medicare supplements, Pilot, Southwestern Life, Union annuities, IRAs and 1989

831-4431 / 831-1087 long-term care Bankers, Time Fortis, 17 others Roth IRAs, Viaticals Alan Lockhart

3 Ollis and Company Commercial, Hartford, St Paul, Employee benefits, 2274 E Sunshine / 65804 25 7 group health, personal, Travelers, CNA, life, Ron Ollis, 1885 881-8333 / 881-1766 long-term care Cincinnatti, Kemper bonding President

4 Barker Phillips Jackson Property, casualty 1500 E Sunshine / 65804 18 3 life, group health, CNA American States Financial services, Richard Jackson, 1878 887-3550 / 887-3252 surety bonding designed executive benefits President & CEO

4 Primerica Financial Services PFS, family value, financial needs

1801 W Norton Rd, 100 / 65803 18 20 Life, property & casualty Travelers analysis, mutual funds, retirement plans, Larry Bischoff 1982

833-0229 / 833-5382 debt consolidation, debt freedom prog

4 Nixon & Lindstrom Insurance Kemper, Luke Nixon,

838 S Glenstone / 65802 18 10 Commercial, personal, bonds St Paul, Auto Owners, Group health, life insurance Mark Nixon, 1955 865-6603 / 865-8528 American States Roger Lindstrom

7 Man-Morris Insurors Business P&C, personal lines, 1650 E Battlefield / PO Box 10547 17 6 group & individual life & Independent representing a Risk management, Jim Sanders, 1958 65808 ? 887-0333 / 887-6140 health products variety of companies directly safety services President

8 Great Southern Insurance Cameron Mutual, General Accident

430 South Ave / 65806 13 3 Full service commercial and Continental Western, Travelers, Financial planning Byron Robinson, 1952

895-4600 / 895-4602 personal, life, health CNA, Hartford, Maryland, Safeco Manager

9 Benefits Unlimited Inc Health, life, employee

777 E Battlefield, 102-C / 65807 12 8 benefits, group health, 60 carriers including Broker services Darren R 1994

881-8664 / 881-8714 dental, disability Cox, Humana Coffman, president

9 Primerica Financial Services Term life insurance, Travelers Property & Casualty, Debt management and

210 W Sunshine / 65807 12 40 property & casuality, Smith Barney, consolidation, investments, Jeffrey D Vincent 1994

831-7711 / 831-7099 variable annuities Commercial Credit financial needs analysis

Ranked by total number of full-time, local, licensed agents. 1 This only includes agents from the Springfield address listed. For the purposes of this list, an insurance agency is defined as a company licensed by the state as an agency. The list does not consider office volume or number of policyholders, as many agencies consider this proprietary information. Also missing are many firms which by corporate philosophy have smaller separate offices representing a single company. The Springfield Business Journal list of insurance agencies was compiled from data provided by company representatives. Some agencies deserving mention may have been omitted due to deadline restrictions, space or lack of information. [[In-content Ad]]


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