Springfield, MO
Researched by: Abby Beggerly & Melissa Wilson
Name Local full time Co Wide Total Co Net Type of Year
Address Employees 2 Employees Service Revenues Ownership Headquarters Top local Estbl Telephone / Fax 1998 Locations F/Y 97* Stock Symbol Executive Spfd 1 Bass Pro Shops 1935 S Campbell / 65898 3,693 4,0461 Catalog & showroom WND Private Springfield John L Morris, 1972 887-5000 3 retail sporting goods founder 2 Associated Wholesale Grocers Maurice Henry, 3201 E Division / 65802 1,030 3,000 Grocery wholesale $3.1 bil Cooperative Kansas City, MO division manager 1947 875-4000 / 875-4006 4 senior VP 3 O'Reilly Autoparts 233 S. Patterson/ 65802 921 8,094 Automotive parts $316 mil Public Springfield David O'Reilly, 1957 862-3333 / 862-2710 487 & accessories ORLY-OTC president / CEO 4 MCI 1720 E. Primrose 723 100,000 Telecommunications $30 bil Public Jackson, MS Jeff Gossman, 1989 268-2000 / 889-2205 500+ sales WCOM-NYSE center director
5 Dillon's Stores Co 2841 E Division / 65803 512 2,500 Retail supermarkets WND Corporation Hutchinson, KS Tim Bellanti, 1977 895-3000 / 895-3015 21 KR - NYSE general manager
6 NationsBank Public wholly owned by 117 Park Central / 65806 500+ 180,000 Financial services $1.2 bil NationsBank Inc Charlotte, NC Steve Burch, EVP, 1899 227-6000 / 227-3324 4,854 NATNSBk - NYSE regional executive
7 Prime Inc Irregular route common 2740 N Mayfair / 65803 450 3,000 carrier, refrigerated & $367.78 mil Corporation Springfield Robert E Low, 1980 866-0001 / 866-4904 1 flatbed division owner/president
8 Mercantile Bank of South Central MO Public-wholly owned by
417 St Louis/ 65805 425 13,000 Financial services WND Mercantile Bancorporation Inc St. Louis Steve Harmon, 1911 868-4400 / 868-4544 33 MTL president
9 Reliable Chevrolet Geo Automobile retail,
3655 S Campbell / 65807 265 265 parts, service & WND Private Springfield Mike Reynolds 1967
887-5800 / 887-5754 1 collision repair
10 Commerce Bank of Springfield Public - wholly owned by Robert A 1345 E Battlefield / 65804 247 5,015 Financial services WND Commerce Bancshare Inc Kansas City, MO Hammerschmidt Jr, 1902 869-3333 / 837-5330 280 CBSH - OTC president
The above list includes for-profit commercial businesses providing service to Springfield. Ranked by total local staff. * Revenues as listed are for parent companies. 1. Includes employees at Tracker Boat. 2. Numbers do not include part-time employees. Information was compiled from data supplied by company representatives. Some deserving companies may have been omitted due to lack of information or deadline restrictions. Governmental, educational, religious, manufacturing and health employers have been omitted as they will appear in different lists.
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