Springfield, MO
Researched by: SARA PHILLIPS
Total local Total local Local Net Net Core Net Net
Name Stock Assets Deposits Loans1 Income Worth Core Interest Top Company Branches Year Local
Address or 97 / 96 97 / 96 97 / 96 97 / 96 97 / 96 Capital Margin Local CEO Local of No. of
Telephone Mutual $(000) $(000) $(000) $(000) $(000) Ratio2 97 / 96 Executive Headquarters Total Charter ATMs
1 Great Southern Bank William V
1451 E Battlefield / 65804 Stock 743,801 460,709* 621,110* 12,387 55,278 7.5% 4.05%* William V Turner 10 1923 90
887-4400 / 895-4533 662,825 378,707* 563,422* 8,578* 55,992 4.09%* Turner Springfield 25
2 Guaranty Federal Savings James E
1341 W Battlefield/ 65807 Stock 230,616 144,354* 173,227* 2,057 69,540 29.06% 3.52%* James E Haseltine 5 1913 4
889-2494 / 885-1467 190,919 147,080* 147,188* 1,414* 26,667 3.26%* Haseltine Springfield 5
3 First Home Savings Bank Steven H
103 South Clay, Marshfield / 65706 Stock 159,787* 122,289* 138,574 1,799* 19,210 11.7% 3.52%* Peter M Romines 1 1911 0
468-2131 / 468-5832 155,249* 114,334* 125,133 1,010* 18,375 3.45%* Medlen Mountain Grove 5
4 AmerUs Bank3 Marcia S
3570 S National / 65807 Stock n/a 60,719 n/a n/a 91,879 6.79% n/a Scott C Hanson 4 1916 4
891-1700 / 891-1746 n/a 47,500 n/a n/a 78,384 6.51% Mitchell Des Moines, IA 47
5 Systematic Savings & Loan Charles E
Assoc ? 318 South Ave / 65806 Mutual 41,567 36,463 33,900 278 4,943 11.84% 2.82%* Charles E Gottas 1 1923 0
862-5036 / 862-5039 41,103 35,317 34,067 112 4,665 2.81%* Gottas Springfield 1
Ranked by local assets as of Dec. 31, 1997, with the exception of AmerUs, which is ranked by deposits as of Dec. 31, 1997.
* Information derived from the most recent available OTS and FDIC filings.
1Net loans are net of unearned income and regulatory reserves. 2Core capital ratio is the core net worth stated as a percentage of assets. 3AmerUs Bank was unable to give us figures for the local Springfield area by press time. The holding company for AmerUs, located in Des Moines, IA, had a total of $1.4 billion in assets as of Dec. 31, 1997.
Information contained in the Springfield Business Journal list of area savings banks and savings and loan associations was provided by representatives of the institutions listed. [[In-content Ad]]
HR advisory firm says employers should proceed with Prop A ruling as is.