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Southwest Missouri News--Branson

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by Carol Harris, Branson area, and Mary Engler-Guccione, Joplin area

The city of Branson reports its first-ever Household Hazardous Waste Drive, held in August, collected 2,524 pounds of hazardous materials. The materials collected, none of which are allowed in landfills, included acids, aerosols, batteries, flammable liquids and solids, mercury, paint and pesticides.

The drive was a joint effort by Solid Waste Management Districts M, N, and O, and the city of Springfield, and it was funded by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. The drive, open to all Taney County residents, was staffed by volunteers from the city of Branson Fire and Public Works departments, district solid waste coordinators and community volunteers.

According to Debbie Redford, the city's environmental specialist, Branson was chosen as one of nine sites in a 15-county region to host a drive.

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