Beginning in the spring semester, Ozarks Technical Community College will offer a dental assisting hybrid program, which will provide training online and on campus.
The program would provide a dental assisting certificate or an associate of applied science degree in dental assisting through eight-week blocks in three semesters, according to a news release.
“We hope to attract potential students who want to be a dental assistant but feel they cannot attend a traditional classroom setting due to family responsibilities and/or being employed," said Ida Guynn, OTC’s dental programs instructor who developed the online program, in the release. "This is also an opportunity for those who are already in the dental field but haven’t had any formal dental education to achieve their certificate."
Through the program, students would work through traditional lecture courses online and receive hands-on skills training at the OTC campus.
The program is part of the $1.1 million
Training for Tomorrow grant announced by Gov. Jay Nixon in March 2010.
Applications for the hybrid program, available on the
OTC Web site, will be accepted through Oct. 15.
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