Springfield, MO
With this 2024 class of Springfield Business Journal’s 12 People You Need to Know series, I can’t help but think about the well-meaning radio DJ saying, “The hits keep coming.” It can appropriately be adapted here to: The influential businesspeople keep coming.
SBJ is in its 17th year handpicking business leaders for the live interview series. The locations, times and tones of the interviews have changed over the years, but the heart of it remains to tell the stories of those people making a difference in business and to make connections with others throughout the region.
We’re playing that tune again, and the next 12 provide some interesting storylines. Here are a few teasers:
Bottom line: They’re all influential and shaping the business community in positive ways – today and for the future, in some cases, literally decades down the line (see Prange and the Lake Springfield master plan).
But it takes one step at a time, with patience and persistence. And I should note the series presenting sponsor, Arvest Bank, has been with us every step of the way since the inaugural class in 2008.
So, come take some steps with SBJ and the 2024 class of 12 People You Need to Know. We’ll get there together.
Springfield Business Journal Editorial Vice President Eric Olson can be reached at
The Courageous Church is growing its footprint with the addition of a new East Campus, made possible through a merger with the former Eastern Gate Free Will Baptist Church.