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On The Record

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Listed here are deeds of trust and mortgages, in amounts of $100,000 or more, filed for public record in Greene County by grantor, grantee, note amount and legal description of the property involved in the transaction.

Feb. 1-6, 1998

Americas Mortgage Co. to Joseph P. Wright; 116,800; L30, Preston Woods.

AmerUs Bank to James E. Foster; 222,400; L241, Emerald Park, phase VIII.

AmerUs Bank to Cor-Mac Inc.; 412,000; sec. 15, twp. 28, range 22.

Ash Grove Bank to George H. Luce; 125,000; L4-6, Kime.

Beneficial Mortgage to Laddie Hudson; 140,400; L51, Lakewood Village.

Blue Valley Bank to WMCL LLC; 140,000; sec. 19, twp. 28, range 23.

Carl I. Brown Mortgage to Steve Enderlin; 199,700; L22, Prairie View Heights, fifth addition.

California Federal Bank to Thomas W. Klein; 108,000; L187, Ravenwood.

California Federal Bank to Thomas W. Greene; 136,200; L61, Chesterfield Village, phase I.

California Federal Bank to Charles E. Lee; 186,000; L8, Ashton Woods.

Centex Home Equity Corp. to Ronald L. Brazeal; 102,500; L20, Pine Wood Place.

Century Bank of the Ozarks to Tri-State Leasing Inc.; 200,000; sec. 18, twp. 29, range 22.

Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corp. to Deana C. Lynch; 123,471; sec. 14, twp. 30, range 24.

Citibank to Steven G. Vaught; 220,000; L28, Ravenwood South, first addition.

Citizens Bank of Rogersville to James H. Fowler; 175,000; L1-3, Southern Hills.

Citizens National Bank to Marcus H. Smith; 217,500; sec. 29, twp. 28, range 21.

Citizens National Bank to David L. Donelson; 179,300; L39, Emerald Park.

Citizens National Bank to Bobby R. Jones; 150,000; sec. 30, twp. 31, range 20.

Commerce Bank to Modern Tractor & Supply Co.; 250,000; sec. 10, twp. 28, range 22.

Commerce Bank to Randy K. Kerns; 188,000; L34, Spring Creek, phase V.

Countrywide Home Loans Inc. to David F. Booth; 199,200; L71, Coppermill.

Crestar Mortgage Corp. to Clyde C. Nassau; 121,100; L11, University Heights.

Crestar Mortgage Corp. to Dana McKeen; 164,000; L5, Banward Ridge.

Crestar Mortgage Corp. to Gary R. Robinson Jr.; 132,000; L7, Kingsbury Forest.

Crestar Mortgage Corp. to Donald Thomas Mills; 100,000; L6, Southern Hills.

Max G. Croxdale to Michael D. Moss; 165,000; sec. 4, twp. 29, range 20.

Empire Bank to Steve W. Blattert; 156,350; sec. 13, twp. 30, range 23.

Empire Bank to Cynthia G. Reeves; 102,000; L29, National Place, phase II.

Empire Bank to Mark L. McQueary; 213,210; L33, Tanoak, second addition.

Empire Bank to Ronald Boyd; 134,400; sec. 12, twp. 30, range 21.

Empire Bank to William E. Evans; 162,805; L9, Southern Hills.

Farmers State Bank to Southwest Village Water Co.; 180,000; Meador Park Estates.

Farris Mortgage Co. to Debra Ann Young; 655,951; L17, West Highland.

Fidelity Mortgage Decisions Corp. to Kenneth L. Hicks; 110,500; L7, Hanover, second addition.

First State Bank of St. Robert to Christopher W. Balla; 100,000; L6, Lurveys.

First Mortgage Co. to Steve Enderlin; 199,700; L22, Prairie View Heights.

Great Southern Bank to Joseph H. Davis; 250,000; L25, Bumgarner.

Great Southern Bank to Jeff Wells; 116,000; L35, Riverbreeze.

Great Southern Bank to Carl David Payne Jr.; 125,000; L17, Cherry Valley.

Great Southern Bank to William B. Rabourn Jr.; 330,500; L35, Emerald Park.

Great Southern Bank to William B. Malotte; 100,000; L17, Primrose Place.

Great Southern Bank to Harold Duane Bedell; 118,900; L23, Brentwood.

Great Southern Bank to David C. Hayes; 300,000; sec. 27, twp. 28, range 21.

Great Southern Bank to Wesley M. Bowman; 114,400; L6-7, Green Hill.

Great Southern Bank to Gordon A. Elliott; 150,000; L1-3, Berkeley.

Great Southern Bank to Ozark Mountain Construction Co. Inc.; 272,000; L34, Cherokee Hills.

Great Southern Bank to Paul D. Potthoff; 141,100; L16, Twin Oaks Place.

Great Southern Bank to Alpha Acceptance Corp.; 450,000; sec. 16, twp. 29, range 22.

Guaranty Federal Savings to M. Adale Willhite; 102,516; L24, Willow Brook.

Guaranty Federal Savings to Tim Buzzard; 102,130; L30, Kay Pointe, phase V.

Guaranty Federal Savings to Kristopher S. Koenig; 172,162; L12, Bridgeton.

Guaranty Federal Savings to Russell D. Gardner; 104,850; L20, Abbey Lane, second addition.

Guaranty Federal Savings to Wayne A. Fredrick; 142,000; sec. 2, twp. 28, range 22.

Guaranty Federal Savings to James F. Lucas; 115,920; L58, Royal Oaks, phase II.

Guaranty Federal Savings to Philip Warren Kauffman; 122,900; sec. 8, twp. 28, range 22.

Housing & Urban Development to Jerry J. Higley; 101,250; Miles Grand Cherry Terrace.

Liberty Bank to Kenneth M. Heithaus; 175,000; sec. 2, twp. 28, range 22.

Mercantile Bank of South Central Mo. to Gregory J. Thomas; 137,700; sec. 29, twp. 31, range 20.

Mercantile Bank of South Central Mo. to Aundrae Curtis; 150,000; L23, Stonehaven.

Metropolitan National Bank to Lloyd E. Kipp, trustee; 125,000; L10-11, Brentwood.

Metropolitan National Bank to Tri-Fret Inv. LLC; 100,000; L13-14, Holiday South.

Mid America Mortgage Service of Springfield Inc. to Barbara J. McGuire; 212,000; L13, John Lairs.

Mid America Mortgage Service of Springfield Inc. to Albert A. Shelton; 136,000; L19, Prairie View Heights, fifth addition.

NationsBanc Mortgage Corp. to Laurie Glenn; 100,000; L1, Kinser Place.

NationsBanc Mortgage Corp. to Kevin W. Hale; 115,000; L28, Ashley Park.

NationsBanc Mortgage Corp. to Calvin P. Lemon; 295,000; L1, Ravenwood South, fifth addition.

NationsBanc Mortgage Corp. to Jim Magers; 320,000; L126, Millwood, phase IV.

NationsBanc Mortgage Corp. to John C. Moneymaker; 105,000; L23, Quail Creek, phase VI.

NationsBanc Mortgage Corp. to Allan E. Stefancik; 135,000; L28, Prairie View Heights.

NationsBanc Mortgage Corp. to John Neal

McMillin; 227,150; L33, Chesterfield Village, phase I.

NationsBank Mortgage Corp. to Robert H. Jones; 141,373; L19, Sussex Park.

NationsBanc Mortgage Corp. to Clarence E. Chilton; 131,250; sec. 26, twp. 29, range 24.

NationsBank to Fidelity Title Agency of Springfield Inc.; 680,000; L9, Country Club Place.

North American Mortgage Co. to Robert D. Krouse; 162,000; L1, Quail Creek, phase VI.

North American Mortgage Co. to Jim O. Anderson; 123,600; L8, Cobblestone.

North American Mortgage Co. to Darryea A. Dugan; 109,350; L5, Hidden Valley Estates.

North American Savings to Rex Hunt; 135,750; L39, Spring Creek, phase V.

North American Savings to Larry D. Foster; 120,000; sec. 20, twp. 29, range 22.

North American Savings to Douglas R. Coder; 182,000; L62, Emerald Park, phase II.

Norwest Mortgage Inc. to Jerry J. Higley; 101,250; L3-4, Miles Grand Cherry Terrace.

Ozark Bank to Anise C. Brasher, trustee; 200,000; L93, Millwood, phase III.

Resource Bancshares Mortgage Group to William G. Wilson; 112,100; sec. 23, twp. 30, range 20.

Signature Bank to RPM Investment Co. LLC; 140,000; L10-11, Glenstone Bennett.

Signature Bank to Jeff Williams; 217,500; L5-14, 16 Sterling Meadows.

Source One Mortgage Service Corp. to James L. Schnaath; 121,000; L7, Marlborough Manor, fifth addition.

Southwest Community Bank to John D. Allen; 154,400; sec. 2, twp. 30, range 20.

St. Clair County State Bank to Michael S.

Shikany; 185,000; L6, Wildwood Estates.

State Bank of S.W. Mo. to Marcus D. McCorcle; 910,000; sec. 14, twp. 29, range 21.

State Bank of S.W. Mo. to George Francois Wong III; 170,000; sec. 15, twp. 28, range 21.

State Bank of S.W. Mo. to Richard Raymond Herrmann; 135,900; L23, Chimney Hills Place.

State Bank of S.W. Mo. to James B. Mattax; 450,000; sec. 15, twp. 28, range 21.

State Bank of S.W. Mo. to Thomas A. Collins; 392,300; L11, River View Heights.

State Bank of S.W. Mo. to Grant Haden; 400,000; sec. 13, twp. 29, range 21.

State Bank of S.W. Mo. to Arthur L. Mallory; 111,000; L11, Southern Hills.

State Bank of S.W. Mo. to Kobby J. Kobberman; 100,000; L16, National Place, phase II.

WMC Mortgage Corp. to Gary G. Lindley; 102,850; L74, Shadowood.

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