Springfield, MO
Listed here are Greene County building permits filed for public record. Included in the listing are permit number, name of the applicant, project description, address and approximate cost. SFR=single family residence. Addresses are in the city of Springfield unless otherwise noted.
Aug. 14Ð20, 1998
44975. Charlie Howell; SFR; 5296 S. Stonehaven; 131,115.
44977. Gerry Doran Homes Inc.; SFR; 2441 S. Forrest Heights Ave.; 86,725.
44978. David Harper Co.; SFR; 4258 E. Latoka Ct.; 72,450.
44979. David Harper Co.; SFR; 4246 E. Latoka Ct.; 56,600.
44980. Rick Shuler; SFR; 12048 W. FR 2, Walnut Grove; 54,205.
44981. Stan Martin; SFR; N. FR 197; 59,200.
44983. Michael D. Nair; SFR; 4309 E. Berkeley; 102,090.
44986. Brad Johnson; SFR; 818 Mark St.; 40,100.
44987. Lloyd Banwart; garage; 4016 Pickwick; 3,000.
44988. Ron Dunlap; SFR; 10903 N. FR 149, Pleasant Hope; 26,400.
44989. Scott and Cindy Kisling; SFR; W. FR 148; 25,500.
44990. Scott Kisling; SFR; 408 E. Manchester Road; 59,880.
44991. Terry McCoullough; SFR; 5244 S. Holland; 72,785.
44994. Beverly J. Greene; mobile home acreage; 5776 E. State Hwy. C; 32,037.
44995. Larry Shull; SFR; 2207 S. Celebration; 85,800.
44998. David L. Suddath; SFR; 10071 W. FR 48, Walnut Grove; 45,810.
45000. Bobby Blanton; garage; 9305 N. FR 173; 6,500.
45002. Noel Childers; SFR; 6343 N. FR 141; 64,340.
45003. Micky Bender; SFR; 4679 S. Shady Lane Ct.; 49,455.
45005. Pojac Realty Inc.; industrial building; 4440 W. FR 130; 476,180.
45006. Ron Fielder; SFR; 5627 S. Newton; 59,325.
45008. Jerry Bennett; commercial building; 3251 N. Cartage, Strafford; 127,000.
45009. James Kays; SFR; 9713 W. FR 106, Republic; 9,120.
45010. James Kays; garage; 9713 W. FR 160, Republic; 10,800.
45011. Eva M. Dean; SFR; 4749 S. Elizabeth; 54,755.
45013. Danco Investments; SFR; 703 Daniel, Willard; 38,675.
45014. Danco Investments; SFR; 409 Jeb St., Willard; 33,730.
45015. Danco Investments; SFR; 411 Jeb St., Willard; 29,900.
45016. Danco Investments; SFR; 413 Jeb St., Willard; 38,675.
45017. Danco Investments; SFR; 714 Darin Lane, Willard; 43,170.
45018. Danco Investments; SFR; 408 Covington, Willard; 43,770.
45019. Jerry Fanning; SFR; 4686 W. University; 34,425.
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A new and improved Reed Academy is being constructed on the middle school’s original site to preserve a neighborhood connection that goes back a century.