Springfield, MO
Researched by: Abigail L. Beggerly
Name Number Staff Areas Principal(s) Address of Local Local of or Headquarters Telephone / Fax Professionals* National Specialty Local Manager
1 Scott Consulting Engineers PC Municipal, industrial, residential treatment plant design; stormwater; 550 St Louis / 65806 16 38 water treatment facility design/evaluation; sludge; watershed mgmt; Richard G Scott Springfield 1980 866-8644 / 866-3035 38 landfill design; hazardous waste assessment/compliance audits
2 Environmental Works Inc Phase I and II environmental assessments; 1630 W Elfindale / 65807 15 15 underground storage tank removals; Robin E Melton Springfield 1992 869-3100 / 869-9699 15 hazardous waste management
3 Sunbelt Environmental Services Inc Environmental consulting and remediation-spill response; 524-B S Union / 65802 14 27 UST-AST removal; lead and asbestos removal-consulting; Leroy Schaefer; Springfield 1986 831-5052 / 831-6258 27 direct push soil/groundwater testing; air rotary rock drilling Karen Schaefer
4 Brittney Inc
1341 E Kearney, Ste 800 / 65803 10 15 OSHA & EPA compliance; specializing in asbestos; Lee Johnson Springfield 1990
866-8686 / 866-1350 15 air and lead sampling and abatement
5 Technical Services Laboratories Inc (TSL)1 Full-service laboratory w/ consulting support; analyses 1612 N Lexington Ave / 65802 10 13 of solid wastes (TCLP); soils; wastewater; stormwater; Richard Doughty; Wayne, PA 1991 864-8924 / 864-4337 16 general chemistry of cleaners, paints, etc; metallurgical & Darlene Doughty materials testing plus lubricants analyses
6 The Forrester Group Inc Environmental management consulting; expert testimony; 605 N Boonville / 65806 9 12 litigation support; redevelopment of contaminated sites; Ray K Forrester; Springfield 1994 864-6444 / 864-6445 14 due diligence; air, wastewater remediation design & mgmt J Kevin Cassil 1997
7 Palmerton & Parrish Inc 4166 W Kearney / 65803 7 25 Phase I & II environmental assessments; Fred E Palmerton; Springfield 1989 864-6000 / 864-6004 35 UST investigations Brad R Parrish
8 Archer Engineers Full-service civil/environmental engineers for industry & 255 S Union / 65802 7 19 municipalities wastewater, industrial, domestic; water; roads; Michael H Zimmerman Kansas City 1989 865-4083 / 865-4085 120 structural; electrical; landscape architectural; land development 1907
9 SECOR International Inc RCRA/CERCLA UST's phase I; site investigation; 1340 W Battlefield / 65807 6 7 remediation environmental construction; lagoon Neal Farrar Bellevue, 1993 889-4264 / 889-5364 750 closures; risk assesments WA 1989
10 Anderson Engineering Inc2 James Anderson; Steven Brady 730 N Benton / 65802 4 33 Civil engineering; surveying; drilling services; Bruce Rhodes; Mike Gray; Larry Springfield 1954 866-2741 / 866-2778 47 materials testing Davis; Siegried Taronowiecki
11 Dames & Moore Phase I, II and III; site characterizations; 2135 E Sunshine, Ste 105 / 65804 2 3 compliance consulting; remediation; Deborah Y Whitaker Los Angeles, 1993 881-3927 / 881-6361 3,500 air permitting; UST closure CA 1938
11 Consulting Analytical Services Internat'l Inc 2804 E Battlefield Rd / 65804 2 3 Analytical testing; consulting; Charles H Criswell; Springfield 1979 882-1017 / 882-1018 3 resource planning Lisa C Berger
13 Garner Bass Inc Assoc in Environmental Environmental management systems; regulatory
Management ? 3469 E Cinnamon Pl / 65809 2 2 compliance; due diligence; training; professional engineer Tina Garner PE; Springfield 1997
887-8080 / 887-8383 0 in multiple states; national/international clients ad projects Rena Bass
14 Midwest Environmental Consultants
1949 E Sunshine, Ste 2-115 / 65804 1 1 Environmental assessments, air, water, solid and William B Lindsey Jefferson 1997 886-9200 / 886-9876 14 hazardous wastes City 1991
14 Leigh Environmental LLC 1 1 Underground storage tank removal; phase I and II
PO Box 4543 / 65808 2 environmental assessments; site characterization and Dwight Leigh Springfield 1998 886-6110 / same remediation; compliance audits
Ranked by the number of local professionals engaged exclusively in environmental matters, then by local staff. * Professionals refers to scientists and other specialists such as engineers, chemists, geologists, hydrologists, etc. 1. TSL does laboratory testing for other environmental firms in the area, and also does some site consultation. 2. Anderson Engineering also has offices in Joplin and Branson. Information for the above list was provided by representatives of each firm. Some firms may have been omitted due to a lack of information, space or deadline restrictions. [[In-content Ad]]
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