Springfield, MO
Sherry Haney, president of Pin Oak Computer Assistance & Training Inc., has been accepted as a member of the Association of Information Technology Professionals.
Brian K. Asberry, a partner with the law firm of Neale & Newman, attended "The Year 2000 Computer Crisis: The Litigation Summit" in Los Angeles, Calif. The two-day conference included emphasis on issues facing business and industry with the Y2K problem.
The Springfield Public Schools Foundation, Service World Computer Center Inc. and Alltel presented 10 refurbished computers to Weller Elementary as part of the TECHnology TODAY program Feb. 18. The computers were presented to Nancy Colbaugh, principal, and the students of Weller.
Telec Inc. has announced the completion of the integrated networking solution known as NeVaDa (Networked Voice and Data) for Rolla Public Schools. The NeVaDa solution provides a converged voice and data architecture that links multiple locations, and is capable of delivering voice, data and video traffic over a single network.
Dave Dorey, with Telephone Professionals Inc., has received technical certification on the ADIX telephone system. Dorey was required to attend a five-day training session in Irving, Texas, to achieve certification.
Telec Inc. has named Janice Pendleton Employee of the Year. Pendleton is the operations manager for Telec and has been with the company for seven years.
The United States Postal Service has made a small donation of computers to New Covenant Academy. Postmaster Robert W. Roberts made the presentation April 13.[[In-content Ad]]
SBJ interviews the executive director of Lost & Found Grief Center.