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Tawnie Wilson | SBJ

2024 Health Care Champions Administrator: Bill Hennessey

Mercy Springfield Communities

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Mercy Springfield Communities’ Bill Hennessey is known as an enthusiastic personality who can rally others to get important work accomplished.

Friend Dan Reiter, vice president and general manager of the Springfield Cardinals, says Hennessey’s passion is a “multiplier.”

“One good employee is fantastic, but someone who makes 20 people better is even more valuable,” Reiter says. “Where Bill excelled, and continues to excel, is to multiply effectiveness of every group he is a part of.

“He’s not just great at what he does, he has a unique ability to exponentially improve every group of people he encounters.”

Reiter says he has seen Hennessey’s passion in action at Mercy and through civic involvement at the likes of The Kitchen Inc., United Way of the Ozarks and Council of Churches of the Ozarks Inc.

With around 35 years of service at Mercy’s Springfield operation, Hennessey says he was called around eight years ago to take on his current role of vice president of mission.

“I have been incredibly happy and challenged in all my roles at Mercy over the years, but I must say that serving in the mission leader role has brought more joy than I could have imagined and a unique opportunity to champion health care for our patients, community, co-workers and providers,” Hennessey says. “My position calls me to engage our co-workers, leaders, providers, volunteers and boards in growing a deeper understanding of our mission and helping all to connect their specific roles as integral parts of how we achieve our mission.”

Hennessey says he learned early in life about the importance of serving and giving back through his parents – his father was a social worker and his mother was a nurse. He’s been applying that motivation since arriving in Springfield in 1989.

“As a youngster, I observed the joy my parents brought to others and saw as well how it brought them satisfaction,” says Hennessey. “We are called to serve and to help those in need. Springfield is rich in resources and caring people who realize we can all do a little to make the world a better place. This is a great community with so many wonderful leaders who display a positive spirit and desire to serve.”

Hennessey says that in leading through the wisdom established in the health system by the Sisters of Mercy, he is active in the community and encourages others at Mercy to also get involved.

Hennessey has been involved with the National Day of Prayer, the Mayor’s Commission on Community Investment and numerous nonprofits.

“As part of my role in leading our community engagement efforts, I have the chance to connect to many of our professional and civic organizations,” Hennessey says. “As the Sisters before us, we believe we must be a key partner and permeating presence in the community. Part of my role is to drive these interactions and relationships.”


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