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2011 Nonprofit Wish List

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Editor’s Note
For our annual wish list for area charitable organizations, we culled some wishes out of newsletters and also invited local nonprofits engaged in meeting community needs to let us know what some of their most pressing needs are heading in to 2012.

Ambassadors for Children
This Council of Churches of the Ozarks operating agency works to enhance the quality of services and support for abused and neglected children in the Ozarks.
Needs: Monetary donations, new children’s clothing in all sizes for foster children, and $15 gift cards to Payless shoe store.
Contact: (417) 862-3586

American Cancer Society
This group’s mission is to save lives and end cancer through volunteer efforts, fundraising and promoting prevention and detection.
Needs: Volunteer drivers to take patients to and from cancer treatments; cosmetologist volunteers for Look Good Feel Better; volunteers to help patients at the ACS Patient Education Resource Center at St. John’s Health System; monetary donations to support daily operations of Hope Lodge facilities; auction items for the Cattle Baron’s Ball and Relay for Life auctions; and hats for men and women, scarves and turbans.
Contact: (417) 881-4668

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ozarks
This group pairs children in need of positive role models with adults for community-based mentoring.
Needs: Two flat-screen TVs, booster seats, board games, DVD player and DVDs, antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer, free activity tickets for participants, books for kids ages 6 to 14, Wii games and monetary donations (tax credits are available).
Contact: (417) 889-9136

Boys & Girls Town of Missouri
This group offers treatment programs, including foster care case management and residential care for children who have histories of abuse, neglect, emotional or behavioral disorders, or psychological problems.
Needs: Cash donations to support therapeutic programs (tax credits available), tickets to area attractions, gift cards for groceries, clothing and supplies, bus passes and disposable cameras for foster children who often have no pictures of themselves.
Contact: (417) 865-1646

Bridges for Youth
This organization operates neighborhood centers where children can get free snacks, support and encouragement.
Needs: Financial donations, as the organization is pushing toward a holiday fundraising goal of $82,000 in December through the Scrooges Wanted – Inquire Within fundraiser. Meeting the goal would provide operating funds through May. Also, volunteers, store-bought cookies, tubs of Kool-Aid drink mix and a new or used 15-passenger van.
Contact: (417) 864-4167

Developmental Center of the Ozarks
DCO works with infants, children and adults who are developmentally disabled, developmentally delayed or physically disabled to help them to reach their potential through therapeutic and rehabilitative programs.
Needs: Teething toys, art supplies, board books, baby dolls and accessories, Lincoln logs, children’s musical instruments, Duplo blocks, four new or gently used bar stools, six paper shredders, one SUV in great condition to be used for employment services, gas cards and cash donations.
Contact: (417) 829-0896

Harmony House
This family violence prevention center provides shelter, advocacy and education to survivors of domestic violence.
Needs: Towels, pillows, toilet paper, paper towels, disposable cups, trash bags, Lysol wipes, cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, over-the counter medications such as cough drops and ibuprofen, feminine hygiene supplies, baby wipes, diapers, gauze, tape, adult ladies’ winter coats, craft supplies, ladies socks and underwear, copy paper, power strips, refrigerators, VCRs and DVD players, two window air conditioner units, fans and a water dispenser.
Contact: (417) 837-7700

Isabel’s House, the Crisis Nursery of the Ozarks
This group provides a place for children to stay when their families face situations that could lead to abuse or neglect.
Needs: Boys underwear, especially size 4, boys and girls socks, boys winter clothing, hair detangler, 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner, infant toothpaste and toddler toothbrushes, hand soap and sanitizer, black ink pens, toilet paper and paper towels, laundry soap and hair brushes.
Contact: (417) 865-2273

Jesus Was Homeless
This organization’s volunteers pack and deliver sack lunches to homeless people and those who live in the weekly stay motels in Branson.
Needs: Toiletries, a 12- or 15-passenger van, large print NLT life application study Bibles for discussion groups, new or gently used adult bicycles, monetary or food donations, and monthly sponsors for food items, including ham, cheese slices and chips.

The Kitchen Inc.
This organization cares for the poor, with services that include housing, food, counseling, health care and education.
Needs: Financial donations, blankets and linens, cleaning supplies, powdered laundry detergent, nonperishable food, personal care items such as shampoo, brushes, combs and deodorant, paper products, socks and underwear, and a 16-foot box truck.
Contact: (417) 225-7416

LifeHouse Crisis Maternity Home
This organization’s mission is to protect unborn babies and mothers in crisis situations by providing food, shelter, advocacy and education.
Needs: Construction donations, private funding donations and room sponsorships to keep construction of a 5,400-square-foot facility for homeless, pregnant teens on schedule.
Contact: (417) 880-0945

Lost & Found Grief Center
This entity provides free grief support to individuals and families in Springfield and surrounding areas through services such as peer support groups.
Needs: Conference and office chairs, small jewelry pouches, bottled water, full-length mirror, toy box, beanbag chairs, thank-you cards, HD Flip video camera and digital camera.
Contact: (417) 865-9998

Lutheran Family & Children’s Services of Missouri
This nonprofit aids families, children and individuals with physical and emotional needs, providing adoption, counseling, education and resources.
Needs: Office furniture, particularly replacing 12-year-old chairs for the waiting room and counseling offices.
Contact: (417) 862-1972

National Multiple Sclerosis Society-Mid-America Chapter
This group serves people who are affected by MS by funding research and through advocacy efforts, education, and programs and services.
Needs: Gas cards for visits to clients’ homes, raffle items such as gift certificates for the Snowflake Social in January, card tables for events and programs, plastic tablecloths, office products such as copy paper, paper towels and toilet paper.
Contact: (417) 268-9009

Ozarks Area Community Action Corp. Head Start
OACAC’s mission is to enrich the lives of families in the Ozarks through assistance, opportunities and empowerment. Head Start is an early childhood program that provides a range of individualized services.
Needs: Financial support for its annual Holiday Smiles campaign, which provides free dental services for needy children. Donation levels include $34, which will pay for a checkup and fluoride treatment for one child; $450, which pays for complete dental treatments for a year; and $4,680, which pays for checkups, fluoride treatments and cavity repair for 20 children.

Ozarks Food Harvest
This organization collects and distributes food via a network of pantries in 28 Ozarks counties.
Needs: Volunteers to inspect, sort and repackage food donations for distribution, food drive hosts to help collect nonperishable food items and increase hunger awareness, sponsors for the Backpack weekend food program, which is $150 a semester or $300 for the school year, sponsors for Hungerthon radio campaign that benefits the backpack program and financial gifts to help distribute 1 million pounds of food. Every dollar provides six meals.
Contact: (417) 865-3411

Ozarks Literacy Council
This organization promotes literacy education in Springfield and surrounding communities.
Needs: Information technology support, volunteers, three-hole-punch copy paper, letter-size copy paper, color printer cartridges for a Xerox Phaser 6180 printer, stamps, extra-large Ziploc bags and cash donations to purchase preliteracy books for preschoolers.
Contact: (417) 837-3811.

Springfield Animal Advocacy Foundation
This group works in Greene County to improve animal welfare and reduce animal overpopulation. It operates the SAAFhouse Spay Neuter Clinic.
Needs: Postage stamps, blank address labels, Scotch tape refills, dry dog and cat food, dog collars and leashes, cat collars, puppy pads, dog nail trimmers, quick-read digital thermometers, stainless steel bowls, reptile warmer mats, pillow cases, 50-pound bags of rice, foam floor mats, peg board, rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, hydrogen peroxide, powdered laundry detergent, trash bags, small and medium exam gloves, Spray Pro all-purpose sprayers, garden sprayers, bleach, Pet Safe ice melt, 2.5-gallon shop-vac filters, brooms with dustpans and mops with washable mop heads.
Contact: (417) 831-7223

Teach to Inspire Yoga Education Center Inc.
This nonprofit yoga education organization offers public classes and teacher training and sends qualified instructors out to work with underserved community groups. Teachers work with groups through organizations such as Boys & Girls Town of Missouri and the Greene County Juvenile Court.
Needs: Funding to expand programs and specifically, $3,000 to purchase mats and equipment and pay a stipend to program teachers.

The Victim Center
This center serves victims of all ages affected by violent and sexual crimes with prevention education, crisis intervention, counseling and support.
Needs: Crayola washable paint, new or gently used children’s books, modeling clay, craft sticks, balloons, bubbles, Band-Aids, markers, colored pencils, crayons, colored paper, hemp string,  acrylic paint, paint brushes, oil and chalk pastels, charcoals, sketch pads, watercolor papers, scrapbook papers and card stock, composition notebooks, and 3-D craft and scrapbook embellishments.
Contact: (417) 863-7273

Youth of the Ozarks Inc.
This organization raises money to benefit local children. The group operates a local thrift store, generating funding that is shared with Boys & Girls Clubs of Springfield and local boy and girl scouting organizations.
Needs: Thrift store shoppers, an enclosed trailer for pickup and delivery of goods, donated merchandise for the store and funding or in-kind services for a complete overhaul of a forklift that is not operating at full capacity.
Contact: (417) 631-1088[[In-content Ad]]


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