Rob Fulp is chairman and CEO of Springfield First Community Bank, a locally owned institution that opened its doors in 2008. Fulp serves on the leadership boards of CoxHealth, Springfield Business Development Corp., Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks and Missouri State University Foundation. He also was named Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser of the Year on National Philanthropy Day in 2010.
Wendy Garrison is an attorney in the Missouri Public Defender System. Her legal experience includes more than a decade in private practice, and she is a former assistant prosecuting attorney for Newton County. A member of The Missouri Bar and the Springfield Metropolitan Bar Association, Garrison is one of Springfi eld Business Journal’s 2010 Most Influential Women honorees.
Nick Reed is program director and morning show host for KSGF News Talk. His show format includes coverage of local and national social issues and government news. Reed recently returned from a trip to the Ukraine with IREX, a U.S.-based organization that works to support media outlets in countries with emerging or struggling democracies.
Karen Thomas is president of Advanced Telehealth Solutions and Oxford HealthCare in Springfield. Thomas is one of SBJ’s 2004 Most Influential Women honorees, and she serves on the advisory board for the Health Care Technology Association of America. She has testified before the Office of National Coordination about developing standards for telehealth to fit into care coordination across a wide spectrum.
Laura Ward is executive director of Webster University’s Ozarks campus, where she is responsible for student and faculty recruitment and oversight of academic programs. She is one of Springfield Business Journal’s 2007 Most Influential Women honorees. Ward also is president of Leadership Springfield and president-elect of Rotary Club of Springfield Southeast.
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