This case, set for trial in August in Jackson County Circuit Court in Kansas City, was brought by franchisee Jeremy Franklin against franchisor Suzuki for negligence and violation of the Missouri Motor Vehicle Franchise Practices Act. The suit alleged that Suzuki should not have allowed another local franchisee to run misleading advertisements that resulted in hundreds of consumer fraud cases. Suzuki had previously pushed similar advertisements in South Carolina, also resulting in consumer complaints and litigation. Franklin alleged that the onslaught of lawsuits against the other Suzuki dealer severely damaged his business reputation and cost him substantial profits. The jury agreed, awarding Franklin’s company $4.3 million in compensatory damages. The jury also found that Suzuki’s conduct warranted punitive damages, meant to punish the defendant and deter similar conduct in the future. The jury awarded punitive damages of $15 million, resulting in a $19.3 million verdict for the plaintiff.
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