Springfield, MO
Today, we represent the most highly skilled trowel trades craftworkers across the U.S. and Canada - including bricklayers, stone and marble masons, cement masons, plasters, tile setters, terrazzo and mosaic workers, and pointers, cleaners and caulkers. With more than a century of protecting the rights of our workers, BAC is the oldest continuous union in North America.
BAC Local 10 was chartered in 1902 here in Springfield and has been helping members find work in and out of the area ever since. In December 1999, Local 10 merged with several other locals and is now BAC Local 15 MO/KS. Local headquarters are at 414 S. Grant Ave. We have 150 members. Membership is via application, and those with work experience take a hands-on test. Steve Mullen is our president, secretary and treasurer, and I am one of five vice presidents, along with Craig Hydeman, Don Graves, Ed Weherle and Mark Williams.
BAC Local 15 is proud to provide contractors with finely trained crafworkers.
We provide our members with any journeyman upgrade training they need, and our apprenticeship program provides many young men and women with the skills they need to make a good safe living. Our benefits, including health, welfare and retirement programs, help members and their families have secure futures.
We are proud to be part of Springfield and will continue to try to make it a better place to live and retire.
John Creller is field representative for BAC Local 15 MO/KS. For more information, visit
[[In-content Ad]]The Building a Region publication explores business issues fueling and impeding growth, corporate responsibility and government support needs.