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Greene County assessor, 940 Boonville, Room 35 of the Greene County Courthouse. The assessor is responsible for providing a complete inventory of all taxable and tax-exempt properties, both real and personal, for all of Greene County. Taxable properties are to be valued at "market," resulting in tax rolls being produced so local political subdivisions can establish the tax rates or levies. "The role of the assessor's office has come to the forefront of local government since 1985, when the first statewide reassessment was completed," Twitty said. Equalization of property values and maintenance of those values is essential because of the major source of revenue they provide, she added. State law requires a review of those values every two years. "Recently, Greene County has experienced major valuation changes in 1995 and 1997," Twitty said. The assessor's office currently has 30 people on staff to maintain more than 95,000 parcels of real estate and 110,000 personal property accounts. Twitty has memberships in the Missouri Assessor's Association and serves on the Legislative Committee, the Missouri Association of Counties, Easter Seals of the Southwest Missouri Region (chairman), Easter Seals of Missouri Board (on the finance committee) and Leadership Springfield Class IX. Twitty is also a licensed real estate broker in the state of Missouri and a member and elder of Covenant Presbyterian Church.

Age: 44.

No. of years in Springfield/area: 6.

Education: Graduated from Rolla High School in 1971 and earned a bachelor of science degree in physical education from Southeast Missouri State University in 1974.

Early career: "I have had three careers in the span of 23 years, all of which seem to tie back to my love of competing," Twitty said. Her first job, teaching and coaching (softball, basketball, volleyball and track) at Hermann High School, "holds some of my most cherished memories," she said. That job allowed her to qualify to return to her hometown high school in Rolla and teach and coach for three years. "An interest in my mother's real estate business led me to leave teaching and go into the family business for seven years," Twitty said. Her family's involvement in Republican politics led to her appointment and elections in 1988 and 1990 to the office of Phelps County treasurer. Her husband John's career opportunities resulted in the couple's move to Springfield, and Twitty's background in county government and interest in politics resulted in her 1992 election to the office of Greene County assessor and her 1996 re-election, she said. "The idea of competing and going for the win, whether in sports, business or politics, continues to motivate every day," Twitty said.

Current projects: The development of a geographic information system (GIS) that includes digitizing the parcel-mapping system is "an exciting project for the county and city," Twitty said. "Eventually, all of the parcel information will be accessible by simply clicking on a map on a computer screen."

Management philosophy: "I happen to believe there is a better mousetrap to be built. By creating the opportunities and the open atmosphere to ask 'why?' many very creative ideas and processes develop. Team building and motivating individuals within a government setting is difficult. But we find by reminding ourselves every day that our role of public servants is an important one, we are challenged to provide the best service possible," Twitty said.

Spare-time pursuits: Traveling with her family. "We especially like historical sites and out-of-the-way places," Twitty said. She also likes to cook, collect cookbooks, watch cooking shows, and eat unusual and unique foods.

Family data: Her husband of 22 years, John, is assistant general manager at City Utilities. Their daughter, Anne, is a junior at Glendale High School. "Rounding out the family is our pound puppy, Sally, who is a professional lap dog," Twitty said.

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