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Judges select 20th class of Most Influential Women

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For two decades, Springfield Business Journal has honored women for their accomplishments and contributions, both professionally and in the community, across southwest Missouri.

This 20th annual class of Most Influential Women brings the honoree count to 400 professionals. The award recognizes the careers, civic leadership and influence of 20 women chosen by an independent panel of judges. The women will be honored during an Oct. 11 luncheon. 

The 2019 Most Influential Women honorees, in alphabetical order, are: 
Melissa Bade, Neale & Newman LLP
Amy Blansit, Drew Lewis Foundation Inc.
Mary Bozarth, Little Sunshine’s Enterprises Inc.
Kristin Carter, Central Trust Co.
Regina Greer Cooper, Springfield-Greene County Library District
Chrys Craig, BancorpSouth
Christina Ford, Rebound Foundation Inc.
Melissa Gelner, Askinosie Chocolate LLC
Trysta Herzog, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ozarks Inc.
Lynne Meyerkord, AIDS Project of the Ozarks
Ashley Norgard, Kutak Rock LLP
Crystal Quade, Missouri House of Representatives
Carrie Richardson, Leadership Springfield
Mary Ann Rojas, city of Springfield
Loretta Roney, Volt Credit Union
Charlyce Ruth, Home Builders Association of Greater Springfield
Melanie Stinnett, TheraCare Outpatient Services LLC
Jaimie Trussell, Adult & Teen Challenge USA
Jordana Vera-Montero, Ozarks Technical Community College
Carlye Wannenmacher, Guaranty Bank

The Most Influential Women luncheon will begin with a silent auction at 10:30 a.m. on Oct. 11 at University Plaza Hotel and Convention Center, 333 S. John Q. Hammons Parkway. 

SBJ has partnered with local nonprofit Women in Need for the event in an effort to raise money and help provide resources to enable women and provide a hand up.

Visit for more information on the event.


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