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Part 4: Intimate Partner Violence Resources for Victims and Employers

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We are so thankful to live in a community that is working hard every day to support victims that may be experiencing violence and that is committed to creating a culture in which intimate partner violence is no longer the norm.

In the workplace, one of the simplest and most effective things you can do to support employees who may be experiencing violence is to provide universal information by providing available resources to all employees. This can take many forms, but could include:

  • providing information on community resources during an employee’s HR onboarding,
  • having a central location for information on local resources,
  • including information alongside your company's EAP or benefits information,
  • displaying informational posters throughout the workplace, and more.

If you think an employee or colleague may be experiencing violence or if they disclose to you, letting them know about available local and national resources can be a great way to show support. Making a simple comment such as “hey, I’m a little concerned from the things you’re telling me. You know, there is a great organization in town that might be able to help. Let me know if you want to call them together,” can both let them know that you are a safe person to come to and let them know about resources they might not be as familiar with, or help take some of the fear out of reaching out to support services.

It is helpful to stress that an individual does not have to be in crisis to utilize a hotline number. Resources such as Harmony House can be used for support, resources referral, safety planning, and so much more.

It can also be helpful for an employer or colleague to have some basic knowledge about the resources in the community as making potential referrals or posting information in the workplace.

Local Support Services

We are grateful to live in a community in which there is a variety of incredible support services for victims of intimate partner violence.

Harmony House is the only emergency shelter in the Springfield/Greene County area, providing a wide array of support services to victims including safety planning, emergency shelter, case management services, trauma informed therapy, and outreach support – all free of cost.

Harmony House also operates a 24/7 hotline that is staffed with well-trained, compassionate advocates, available to anyone in Springfield/Greene County, and offers a variety of workshops and education services to community organizations, including trainings for local businesses on workplace response.

In addition to Harmony House, the Victim Center is another excellent resource in our community that provides free of cost therapy and support groups to victims of violent crime, as well as medical advocacy.

The Greene County Family Justice Center is another fantastic resource. The Family Justice Center is essentially a one-stop shop for individuals experiencing violence to gain access to many of the services our community has to offer. Folks accessing the Family Justice Center can speak with legal services, mental health services, law enforcement, Harmony House, The Victim Center, and more.

National Support Services

In addition to the local resources mentioned, there are many national resources that can provide support and assistance for both employers and potential victims.

The National Domestic Violence Hotline connects victims to support services all over the nation, providing advocacy and support services in over 200 languages. They provide 24/7 talk and text support to victims, families of victims, any anyone else needing support related to intimate partner violence.

Workplaces Respond, as we’ve mentioned in previous videos, is the national leader in providing support to employers on creating workplaces free from violence. Workplaces Respond has countless resources for employers, such as model policies, model trainings, incident response, and so much more.

Company Resource Downloads

The Impact of Violence on Workplace Communities PDF Violence affects the workplace in a number of ways. Absenteeism, impaired job performance, and loss of experienced employees are only some of the costs that companies bear as a direct result of violence. Download this document to learn more about how violence affects the workplace. 

Model Workplace Policy: Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence and Stalking PDF Not sure how to develop a company policy to show your commitment to a safer and more supportive organization climate? Download this model policy to outline the appropriate measures to prevent and/or address violence. 

Confidentiality is Critical PDF Survivors of domestic and sexual violence and stalking are much more likely to report and seek assistance if they know that their privacy will be respected.  Download to learn more about the policies and procedures you can put in place so employees feel safe disclosing and seeking assistance without fear of reprisal. 

Advocacy Empowerment Wheel PDF  Created by the National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence, this wheel depicts the major components which engender empowerment through advocacy. Download this one-sheet visual to post in a centralized location for all employees. 

Power and Control Wheel PDF This one-sheet infographic shows the eight primary ways a perpetrator can exert power and control over their victim. Download this PDF to post in a centralized location for all employees.

Incident Prevention and Response Strategies PDF This four page document outlines some employer initiatives to prevent and respond to domestic and sexual violence and stalking impacting the workplace. Download this PDF for safety planning tip, employee-centered threat assessments, and steps to take following an incident. 

Recognizing the Signs of IPV in the Workplace This two-page synopsis of how to identify signs of intimate partner violence in the workplace is a helpful and quick reference tool. Download to share with all employees in a centralized location or include in your company's employee handbook. 


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