Springfield, MO
Listed here are newly licensed businesses in Greene County filed for public record. Included in the listings are the name of the company, mailing address, street address and description of the business. Addresses are in the city of Springfield unless otherwise noted.
April 29, 1998
Culligan Bottled Water of Springfield; 2111 E. Central Ct. 65802; same; bottled water delivery.
Gary's; 1468 S. State Hwy. T 65802; same; retail, used equipment & farm supplies.
Total Beauty Inc.; 206 S. Cottonwood, Republic 65738; same; dietary supplements.
Window Designs & More; 2504 S. Franklin 65807; same; custom draperies and blinds.
Montgomery's Restaurant No. 2; 1537 N. Glenstone 65803; same; restaurant.
21st Century Systems; 913 E. Livingston St. 65803; same; retail.
Ozark Mountain Steel Inc.; PO Box 6338 65803; 2958 E. Division; wholesale and retail.
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A Springfield couple launched 24-hour fitness center Iron Knights Strafford; Springfield-based Meridian Title Co. LLC made its debut in Mount Vernon; and a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held in conjunction with the grand opening of Render Flooring LLC.