Springfield, MO
Owner/developer: Missouri State University
General contractor: Branco Enterprises Inc.
Architect: Dake Wells Architecture Inc.
Engineers: Mettemeyer Engineering LLC, structural; Anderson Engineering Inc., civil; and Smith-Goth Engineers Inc., mechanical, electrical and plumbing
Size: 14,000 square feet
Estimated cost: $6.25 million
Lender: None
Estimated completion: September
Project description: The McQueary Family Health Sciences Hall addition on the Missouri State University campus calls for a 240-seat tiered classroom, a 75-seat tiered classroom, four offices, a lobby and student space, and custodial and mechanical rooms. Sean Thouvenot, vice president of general contractor Branco Enterprises Inc., said the construction crew ran into issues with ground work this summer, which pushed back the project timeline. MSU officials previously said the project was supposed to be complete before the fall semester begins in August. Thouvenot said the construction contract represents $4.7 million of the $6.25 million project budget, which includes funds for furniture and fixtures, consultant fees and project contingency fees. The budget was approved by the MSU Board of Governors in July 2019. Home to MSU’s department of physical therapy and the master of public health program, the addition is funded by private donations and university funds, according to past Springfield Business Journal reporting.