Owner/developer: Burrell Housing Springfield General contractor: Morelock-Ross Builders Inc. Architect: Spencer Architects Engineers: White River Engineering Inc., civil Size: 13,190 square feet Estimatedcost: $1.4 million Lender: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Estimated completion date: June 15 Project description: Burrell Housing Springfield, an entity created by Burrell Inc., is developing a HUD-financed apartment building on a three-acre city-owned parcel. The apartments are designed for persons with physical and mental disabilities, according to Brendan Griesemer, the city’s neighborhood conservation manager. Burrell leases the land from the city for $1 a year, Griesemer said. Burrell Vice President of Corporate Development Jim Rives said HUD will own the building for 40 years, upon which Burrell Housing Springfield would take ownership. Monica Stegall, an intern architect with Springfield-based Spencer Architects, said Catalpa Apartments is a two-story, 14-unit complex with a community space, kitchen, lobby and offices.[[In-content Ad]]
A new and improved Reed Academy is being constructed on the middle school’s original site to preserve a neighborhood connection that goes back a century.