Missourians for a Balanced Energy Future recently released the results of a March 24-26 poll it commissioned that found a majority of Missouri citizens support nuclear power in the state and the construction of a second nuclear power plant.
The survey, which was conducted by third party North Carolina-based research firm Public Policy Polling, survey 652 registered voters throughout Missouri and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.8 percentage points, according to a news release.
poll found that:
- 53 percent of respondents support the use of nuclear power, 29 percent are opposed to the idea, and 18 percent are unsure;
- 60 percent of respondents are in favor of constructing a second nuclear power plant in Missouri, while 36 percent are opposed and four percent are unsure; and
- 66 percent of respondents want to keep the option open for building another nuclear power plant, 27 percent want to close off any possibility and 7 percent are unsure.
Senate Bill 50 seeks repayment to utility organizations involved in obtaining an early site permit for construction of a second nuclear plant at Ameren Missouri's Callaway County location, the site of the state's only nuclear power plant. The bill is
currently pending.
March 25-31 Springfield Business Journal poll has found similar results. As of 11:20 a.m., 49 percent of voters said they support nuclear power in Missouri, 35 percent said they do not support nuclear power in the state and 15 percent were unsure.
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