Springfield, MO
Researched by: Abigail L. Beggerly and Melissa Wilson
Name Number Year Address of Local Leadership Meeting Place Stated Founded Contact Telephone / Fax Members Times Purpose Locally 1 Shriners Potentate - William R Tandy; To provide expert medical care at Shriners 601 St Louis St / 65806 4,765 Chief Rabban - Roy Waddell; Shrine Mosque Hospitals in pediatrics, orthopedics, and 1903 869-9164 / 869-7444 Administrator - Tom Morris Quarterly burn injury to children free of charge 2 Springfield Elks Lodge #409 Exalted Ruler - Brad Smith; To support our surrounding community with food 2223 E Bennett / 65804 1,497 Secretary - Bill Smith; at lodge baskets, scholarships, give support to JA Boys & Girls 1898 881-0038 / 890-0019 Chair of Trustees - James Pretti 1st & 3rd Thurs Town of Mo, Law & Order Night, Citizen of the Year, etc.
3 Junior League of Springfield, Mo Inc E Bennett St-JLS Headquarters Women promoting volunteerism and improving 2574 E Bennett / 65804 577 President - Crista Shuler; 1st Tue of ea month community through effective action & leadership 1959 887-9422 / 887-7705 Pres Elect - Sherry Cook (Sept-May) at noon & 7 pm of trained volunteers; educational and charitable
4 Queen City Chapter of the Eastern Star Worthy Matron - Inez Herd; Supports organizations and charities such as 2322 E Wayland / 65804 400 Worthy Patron - Jack Murray; 1700 Boonville Cancer Assoc, Heart Foundation, Kidney 1891 886-0628 / n/a Secretary - Joyce Brixey 1st & 3rd Tuesdays Foundation, supports fight against drug abuse
5 Springfield Rotary Club President - Annie Busch; 300 S Jefferson, Ste 304 / 65806 220 Pres Elect - Bill Abbott Sr Kentwood Hall Organization of 1919 866-6600 / same Treas-Diane Ostergren; Sec-Ron Elkins Jr Tuesdays at noon business and professional leaders
Rotary Club of Springfield-Southeast President - Martin Ross; A service organization of businesspeople and 6 2250 S Cedarbrook Ave / 65804 197 Pres Elect - Ken Coleman; Treas - Mid-Am Cancer Center professionals promoting humanitarian 1967 882-7299 / 886-2171 Chris Rice; Sec - Alan Schilter; Thursdays at noon projects and ethical standards Exec Sec - Theresa Robertson
7 Heart of the Ozarks Sertoma Club President - Don Wheeler; Pres Darrel L Love To raise funds to support the Boys 318 S Campbell / 65806 125 Elect - Ranny Trainor; Sec/Tres - Sertoma Building and Girls Club of Springfield 1969 863-1231 / 863-0602 Tom Hawkins; VP- Larry Terbovich Fridays at noon
8 Sunrise Rotary Club President - Jack Preston; Twin Oaks Businesspeople and professionals 4721 S Stewart / 65804 80 President Elect - Dick Bartow; Country Club promoting humanitarian projects 1989 886-8606 / 886-3685 Exec Sec-Jean Harmison Wednesdays at 7 am and ethical standards; service above self
9 Sertoma Club of Springfield Pres - Randy Carpenter; VP - Brian Heppner; 318 S Campbell To raise funds to support the Boys 318 S Campbell / 65806 74 Sec/Treas - Todd Brierly; Pres Elect - Sertoma Building and Girls Club of Springfield 1941 863-1231 / 863-0602 Gary Morris; Exec Sec-M Trainor Thursdays at noon
10 Kiwanis Club of Downtown Springfield President - Walter Friedhoffen; To improve the lives of children through 165 Staiger Road, Billings / 65610 70 Secretary - Rev Fred Tower Club health programs; Miracle Network; Key Clubs; 1920 744-2104 / n/a W Beyer; Treas - Scott R Kosky Fridays at noon Circle K young children priority one
10 Springfield Host Lions Club President - Barbara Headly; Heritage Cafeteria, Helping the blind; Mo Lions Eye Research Foundation; PO Box 3161, Glenstone Station / 65808 55 VP - Virgil Calhoun; 1364 E Battlefield provides transportation of the eye for cornea transplants; 1921 865-0571 / n/a Secretary - Dale Schexsnayder Thursdays at noon eyeglasses; Lions World Services of Blind
12 Springfield South Kiwanis Club S Campbell Service to youth and the elderly, 2650 E Madison / 65802 50 President - Carl Lippelman; Ryan's Steakhouse To the community and nation 1955 866-3659 / n/a Secretary - Bob Dean Thursdays at noon
13 Co-Operative Sertoma Club President - Bill Hutchenson; VP - Burr's Private college scholarships to seniors at the
318 S Campbell / 65806 49 Charlie Stewart & Tom Lewis; Sec/Treas - 2708 S Glenstone Boys and Girls Club of Springfield & to students 1990
863-1231 / 863-0602 Anne Miles; Pres Elect -Jerry Shaddy Thursdays at 6:30pm who are speech and/or hearing impaired
14 Springfield Southeast Lions President -John Litvan; E Battlefield Purchase eyeglasses for needy, support Mo 2650 S Blackman Road / 65809 46 Secretary - Keith Garland; Smitty's Restaurant Lion's Eye Research Foundation, help the blind, 1956 881-2436 / n/a Treasurer - James Dowell Tuesdays at noon support local district Lions Hearing Conservation
15 Kiwanis Club of Ozark Empire President - David Wortley; 210 E Sunshine To improve the lives of PO Box 5032 / 65801 45 Secretary -Ann Dare Mrs O'Mealy's Cafeteria children in the community 1949 885-9191 or 883-6472 / n/a Wednesdays at noon
15 Ringside Sertoma Club President - Casey Funkhouser; Burr's
318 S Campbell / 65806 45 VP - Gerald Love; 2708 S Glenstone Supports amateur boxing in the 1993
863-1231 / 863-0602 Sec/Treas - Larry Wakefield 3rd Wed 6:30 pm Springfield area
15 Rotaract Club of Springfield President -Dwayne Fulk; Provides opprtunity for young people to enhance
PO Box 10327 / 65808 45 Pres Elect -Jeremiah Mee; VP - Andrea University Plaza Hotel knowledge & skills that will assist them in personal 1995
882-9090 / 882-2529 Mostyn; Sec - Brian Kubik 2nd & 4th Wed at noon dev; to address physical & soc needs of community
18 Springfield Alpha Lions Club President - Nora Burgess; S National Aiding the blind; visually impaired pre-school; 670 W Village St / 65807 35 Secretary - Barbra Blackwell; Smitty's Restaurant Missouri Lions Eye Research Foundation; 1993 883-3263 / n/a Treasurer - Valerie Toombs 1st & 3rd Tue at noon Diabetes Association; Blind Center
18 Saturday Club III President - Jane Flanagan; Business luncheon To aid in any way in the community,
3056 E Rocklyn / 65804 35 VP - Rosemary Ballard at various places primarily to the needs of women and children 1934
881-0374 / n/a 1st Sat of every month
20 Soroptimist International Club President - Linda Smith; Mrs O'Mealey's Cafeteria A women's club aiding various groups;
PO Box 2501-137 / 65801 34 Secretary - Vicki Clithero; 1st Wed business lunch; scholarships; Greene Haven Nursing Home 1934
866-7777 / n/a Treasurer - Sharon Terry Dinner Mtg 4th Th, various places
Springfield's service clubs have been ranked by number of members. Service clubs provide hands-on and/or financial support to community betterment efforts.
Other service clubs in Springfield with less than 34 members include: Optimist Breakfast Club (869-6718); Queen City Lions Club (883-7467); Optimist Club (864-5500); Springfield Evening Lions Club (882-0841); Westside Optimist Club (865-6455); North Side Kiwanis Club (866-3879); Sunrise Optimist Club (886-5212); Summit Optimist Club (864-5500) and Springfield Ladies Saturday Club (862-2321). Information was compiled through written surveys and telephone interviews with club representatives. Some clubs deserving mention may have been omitted due to lack of information, space or deadline restrictions. [[In-content Ad]]
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