The following are the most frequent questions we receive about the Springfield Business Journal Web site and our Web products. Questions have been answered as thoroughly as possible, with known fixes and solutions. If, however, you require further assistance, feel free to contact Diana Weber (
dweber@sbj.net), Geoff Pickle (
webmaster@sbj.net), or call the main office at (417) 831-3238.
Why can't I view a certain article?Sbj.net employs a Paywall system, in which the majority of our news stories are for paid subscribers only. If you are seeing the "Springfield Business Journal Paywall" page, it could be for a number of reasons.
- You are not a paid subscriber. To learn how to become a subscriber, see the question "How do I become a paid subscriber?"
- If you are a subscriber, you are required to log in. A login box also appears on the Paywall page. Enter your username and password into the appropriate boxes, checking the "Remember Me" box to keep from being logged out.
- If you are a subscriber and have forgotten your password, you can retrieve it using SBJ's password retrieval system, available here.
- If you are a subscriber, you know your password and still aren't able to log in, it is likely your account hasn't yet been approved for proper security access. We do our best to provide access same day. If you do not receive access within two business days, please contact us.
For further questions, e-mail Diana Weber at
dweber@sbj.net or Geoff Pickle at
webmaster@sbj.net. For phone assistance, please call (417) 831-3238.
What is the difference between subscribing and registering?Subscribing refers to becoming a paid viewer of Springfield Business Journal content. Registering refers to creating an account on our Web site, which can be used to access paid content or to make article comments. See the questions "How do I register for an account?" and "How do I subscribe for access to Sbj.net?" for detailed information on both.
How do I register for an account?1. Visit
2. Fill in all of the required information.
3. Enter the individualized Passcode.
4. Click Continue.
5. If the registration goes through, you will then be directed to a page with the message "Thank you! Your registration is complete and you have been logged in."
How do I subscribe for access to Sbj.net?There are two tiers of subscription access available to our readers: the Personal Backstage Pass and the Full Access VIP Pass.
If you are a paid subscriber to the print edition of Springfield Business Journal, you already are authorized for the Personal Backstage Pass subscription package. Please see the question "How do I register for an account?" for information on how to set up a username and password for access.
If you are not a paid subscriber to Springfield Business Journal, there are a number of ways to become one.
- To purchase a Personal Backstage Pass, visit www.sbj.net/subscribe. Personal Backstage Pass options are available toward the bottom of the page.
- To purchase a Full Access VIP Pass, which comes with the ability to set up 10 paid accounts and gives access to all of our E-newsletters, visit www.sbj.net/subscribe.
- To upgrade from a Personal Backstage Pass to a Full Access VIP Pass, call (417) 831-3238 and ask for the Circulation Department.
- To purchase either the Backstage Pass or the VIP pass via phone, please call (417) 831-3238 and ask for the Circulation Department.
The SBJ Subscription page, which shows all of the content available for subscribers to both packages, is
available here.
VIP Pass subscribers are entitled to add 9 additional people to their subscription. How do I do this?If you would like to add up to 9 others to your VIP pass, and you haven't already done so, fill out the "VIP 9 Others Form,"
available here. Please note: Although the boxes for "Full Name," "Company Name," "Title at Company," and "E-mail Address" aren't listed as required, they must be filled out in full for each additional person added to the VIP package, or they cannot be counted. After filling out the form, enter the individualized Passcode and then hit Submit. If the form is submitted successfully, you will be redirected to a page with the message "Thank you for your submission."
In order for each individual added to a VIP pass to receive access to Sbj.net, each must register for an account separately at
www.sbj.net/register. Please see the question "How do I register for an account?" for more information.
I can't remember my password. What do I do?If you have forgotten your password, you can retrieve it using SBJ's password retrieval system,
available here. If you have since changed e-mail addresses and cannot log on to the e-mail account you used to register for Sbj.net, please call (417) 831-3238 for help or e-mail Diana Weber (
dweber@sbj.net) or Geoff Pickle (
I have purchased a subscription package and registered for Sbj.net. What now?E-mails have been sent to our Circulation and Web departments. We will activate each account in the order we receive activation e-mails. If this does not occur within two business days, please contact Diana Weber (
dweber@sbj.net) or Geoff Pickle (
For questions regarding your account, call (417) 831-3238.
I have to log in every time I go to Sbj.net. What is the problem?This problem often can be fixed by clicking the "Remember Me" checkbox when logging in.
In other cases, your Internet browser might not be set up to accept Web site cookies. Please consult the help files of your Web browser for information on how to enable cookies. A Google help file,
available here, explains how to enable cookies.
How do I subscribe to SBJ's E-newsletters?Our E-newsletters are Daily Update, Breaking News, Movers & Shakers, Joplin Tri-State Business News Update, Early Friday Digital Edition and Monday Morning Business Leads.
Click here for our E-newsletters signup page.
Enter all of the required information and check the boxes for the E-newsletters you would like to receive. Enter the individualized Passcode and then click Submit. If your submission is successful, you will be taken to a page that says "Thank you for your submission."
Please note: Daily Update, Breaking News, Movers & Shakers, and Joplin Tri-State Business News Update are free e-mail products. Daily Update includes links to paid articles each day, but the e-newsletter itself is free. Daily Update also includes links to free content.
Early Friday Digital Edition is available only to Backstage Pass and VIP Pass subscribers, while Monday Morning Business Leads is available only to VIP Pass subscribers. For more information on Subscription packages, please see the question "How do I subscribe for access to Sbj.net?"
How do I change the e-mail the SBJ E-newsletters are sent to?Click here to visit the
E-newsletters management Web form. On that page, there is an option to change the e-mail address the newsletters are sent to, as well as the option to sign up for additional E-newsletters.
Can I receive SBJ online content and/or products without having a paid subscription?Yes. Some content is available without a paid subscription. At least one Daily Update item posted to the site each day is a free article. All of the content at Sbj.net/life and Sbj.net/expert is free. Content included in the Movers & Shakers and Breaking News E-newsletters is always free. Additionally, some content from the SBJ print edition is free and is provided throughout the week in the Daily Update E-newsletter.
Other content, such as photo galleries and the
SBJ Calendar of Events, are free to all, as well.
Can I receive a trial subscription to SBJ Publishing products?Yes. Some products are available on a trial basis.
To sign up for a four-week trial subscription to the weekly SBJ print edition, enter all of the required information in
this form.
Click here to sign up for a four-week trial to our sister publication, Joplin Tri-State Business Journal.[[In-content Ad]]