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Positive feedback can reduce staff turnover

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The restaurant industry is known for its excessive turnover, but the situation is more critical than ever because of today's labor market conditions.

Offering additional pay and benefits are usually the first solutions that come to mind. However, in survey after survey, neither money nor fringe benefits are identified as the top explanation for turnover in restaurants.

By a large margin, positive feedback is the No. 1 factor behind higher-than-average retention rates. Here are three ways restaurant managers can take advantage of this inexpensive yet powerful technique.

Personal attention from the boss. This is the most effective type of positive feedback.

Managers, don't forget the strong influence you have on employee behavior. Catch your workers doing things right. If necessary, keep a private reminder note to aid you during your hectic day. Change the note frequently by using a different color or phrase so it remains fresh and catches your attention,

Praise your team members, either verbally or through hand-written notes and cards. Make personnel feel valued and wanted by describing their positive behavior and emphasizing the impact on you, the job, the guests and the restaurant. Make the compliment real and sincere. Announce achievements in public.

As a twist, you can attach candy to a note and play off the name. For example, tape a roll of Lifesavers to a card and write, "You were a 'Lifesaver' when you filled that open shift last night on short notice."

Creating activities. Be sure to include events that are both inside and outside the work setting when developing your programs. Outside endeavors might comprise picnics, birthday parties and a celebration at Christmas. Internal concepts can include promotions, pins, certificates of appreciation, Employee of the Month or Year, peer review, recognition boards and newsletters.

If opportunities for advancement are limited within your restaurant, think about creating lead positions for your front-of-the-house and back-of-the-house operations. Tiers within titles can also be created, such as server I, server II, etc.

It is a fact that any positive behavior focused on by management will accelerate.

Acknowledge and honor length of stay to increase long-term employment. Also, rewarding optimal conduct, such as initiative and a good attitude, will affect retention.

Coworkers can provide meaningful feedback. Provide a pad of "I appreciate you for ..." forms and encourage peers to complete one every time they see someone go above and beyond the call of duty. These can be distributed one-on-one or during meetings.

People enjoy working in a restaurant that can boast of high guest satisfaction.

Actively seek comments from customers, and be sure everyone is aware of the results by using recognition boards and restaurant newsletters.

Give away items of value. These payoffs might comprise gifts and a day off with pay. Be aware, this technique tends to have a short-term effect and sets expectations for the next "prize."

Be sure to individualize your approach while implementing your positive feedback retention strategy. Employees can vary in the type and frequency of appreciation they desire. Determine the methods you believe are most relevant to each person on your crew. Observe reactions over time and modify your plan accordingly.

Restaurants that provide a wide variety of genuine feedback will become the employers of choice and will find their turnover decreased significantly.

(Lynne Haggerman is president and owner of Haggerman & Associates, an employment, management training, human resources consulting, and outplacement firm.)

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