Forbes Media Chairman Steve Forbes addresses students and invited guests in the Howell W. Keeter Athletic Complex. As part of College of the Ozarks’ spring 2018 Spring Free Enterprise Forum Convocation, Forbes spoke on how capitalism affects the U.S. economy, health care and taxes.
SBJ photo by Eric Olson
Forbes tells the audience: “Wealth is not a physical thing; wealth is of the mind.” The statement gains applause from the crowd.
Photo provided by College of the Ozarks
The campus gymnasium is full to hear Forbes. He spoke on federal tax and health care reforms, and promoted free-market economics.
Photo provided by College of the Ozarks
Quoting his grandfather, who founded Forbes magazine in 1917, Forbes later said, “The purpose of business is to create happiness, not to create a pile of money.”
SBJ photo by Eric Olson
Forbes, left, recognizes two C of O students for starting an old-fashioned soap business, Shiloh Hills Farm.
SBJ photo by Eric Olson
Before the convocation, attendees pass through the college’s Ralph Foster Museum in line to meet Forbes for a quick picture.
SBJ photo by Eric Olson
The line to meet Forbes begins in the U.S. Bank Foyer of the Keeter Center.
SBJ photo by Eric Olson
Forbes signed copies of his 2016 book, “Reviving America,” which were given to invited guests.
SBJ photo by Eric Olson
Students and invited guests get settled before Forbes takes the stage. Earlier in the day, guest speakers, including author Burt Folsom and businesswoman Mary Propes-Reynolds, spoke to classes on entrepreneurism.
SBJ photo by Eric Olson
Kevin Powers directs the college’s concert band as attendees take their seats.
SBJ photo by Eric Olson
Sue Head, the college’s vice president of cultural affairs, welcomes guests.
SBJ photo by Eric Olson
College of the Ozarks President Jerry Davis, right, jokes that Forbes came all the way from New Jersey to receive the college’s famous fruitcake.
SBJ photo by Eric Olson
Forbes receives his Hard Work U. sweatshirt and handmade gifts from students. Earlier, Davis said, “There are no snowflakes here. We think that work ethic and free enterprise go hand in hand.”
SBJ photo by Eric Olson
The crowd gives a standing ovation to Forbes at the conclusion of his speech.
Steve Forbes, chairman and editor-in-chief of Forbes Media LLC, spoke April 10 at College of the Ozarks for the school’s 2018 Spring Free Enterprise Forum Convocation. His speech, delivered at C of O’s Howell W. Keeter Athletic Complex, was entitled, “Work Ethic, Free Markets and the Changing Global Landscape.”