Springfield, MO
Listed here are newly licensed businesses in the city of Springfield filed for public record. Included in the listings are the name of the company, mailing address, street address and description of the business.
Jan. 26-30, 1998
Buckhorn Valley Company; PO Box 10704 65802; 809 N. Campbell; special-trades contractor.
Little Caesar's Pizza; c/o Strive Four, PO Box 177, Marionville 65705; 711 W. Kearney St.; restaurants.
Little Caesar's Pizza; c/o Strive Four, PO Box 177, Marionville 65705; 3025 E. Sunshine St.; restaurants.
Little Caesar's Pizza; c/o Strive Four, PO Box 177, Marionville 65705; 603 S. Campbell Ave.; restaurants.
Cameron Ashley Building Product; 3149 S. Scenic; same; wholesale merchants.
Paric Corp.; Attn: Diane Mason, PO Box 419081, St. Louis 63141; 689 Craig Road, St. Louis; construction contractor.
Dobbs Homes; 1335 S. Pickwick 65804; same; construction contractor.
Lamco; 3448 E. Eastwood Blvd. 65809; same; distributor.
Original Gourmet Hotdoggery; 1211 W. Sunshine 65807; same; restaurants.
Rayco Flea Market; PO Box 2323 65801; 536 E. Commercial; service agents.
BMI Health Plans; 3122 S. Pickwick Pl. 65804; same; service agents.
Bass & Forbes Commission Co.; 1323 W. Locust St. 65803; same; commission agents.
Waterworks Service Co.; 919 S. Mission Ave. 65809; same; service agents.
Lucidity Web Publishing; 1014 W. Monroe Terr. 65806; same; service agents.
Home Repair International Inc.; 1740-S S. Glenstone 65804; 1740-1E S. Glenstone; special-trades contractor.
Greetings Galore & More; 2015 S. Eureka Terr. 65804; same; service agents.
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A new and improved Reed Academy is being constructed on the middle school’s original site to preserve a neighborhood connection that goes back a century.