Springfield, MO
Listed here are newly licensed businesses in the city of Springfield filed for public record. Included in the listings are the name of the company, mailing address, street address and description of the business.
April 17, 1998
Diamond Sound Specialty Enterprises; 1505 W. Hwy. 60, Box 580, Brookline 65619; 1204 W. Kearney; retail merchant.
Biergarten Steak Haus Inc.; 330 E. Battlefield 65807; same; restaurant, liquor by the drink.
Stacey Brazeal; 1953 S. National 65804; same; massage technician.
Physical Image; 4144-A S. Lone Pine 65804; same; service agent.
Pro's Image; 2825 S. Glenstone, Cart 15, Battlefield Mall 65804; same; service agent.
Gerry Hale; 2949 S. FR 227, Rogersville 65742; same; special-trades contractor.
R&M Vending; 806 E. Rosewood St., Republic 65738; same; coin-operated machine distributor.
MacPatrick Coffee Service; 3825 S. Campbell, No. 150 65807; same; distributor.
Butch's Billiards; PO Box 2081 65801; 2320 W. College St., retail merchant, 3.2 percent beer by the drink, billiard parlor.
Your Handyman; 118 N. Cottonwood, Republic 65738; same; special-trades contractor.
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