Springfield, MO
Listed here are city of Springfield building permits filed for public record in the Building Development Services Department. Included in the listing are permit number, name of the applicant/contractor, project description, address and approximate cost. SFR=single family residence.
Jan. 4-8, 1999
B98-1843. Cox Health Systems; fire suppression; 1000 E. Walnut Lawn; 20,000.
B99-0001. Strawberry Fields Apartments; repair fire damage; 1655 S. Marion Ave.; 150,000.
B98-1220. Bethesda Foundation; addition; 1302 W. Sunset; 639,184.
B99-0003. Jim Sieber; SFR; 719 E. Lakewood; 140,000.
B99-0004. Thomas Messner; SFR; 711 E. Lakewood; 140,000.
B99-0006. Drury College; repair; 525 E. Calhoun; 25,000.
B99-0007. Linda K. Hayter; carport; 824 S. Pickwick; 500.
B99-0008. Jim Davis; repair; 412 E. Locust; 45,000.
B98-1885. Church of Christ; 1222 W. Sunset; value n/a.
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