Springfield, MO
Listed here are Greene County building permits filed for public record. Included in the listing are permit number, name of the applicant, project description, address and approximate cost. SFR=single family residence. Addresses are in the city of Springfield unless otherwise noted.
Jan. 4-8, 1999
45828. Kent & Tina Phillips; inground pool; 5819 Grand Oaks Dr.; 4,818.
45829. Larry Folkner; set mobile home; 12217 N. FR 51, Walnut Grove; 45,000.
45830. Steve Choate; pole barn; 1793 E. FR 38, Fair Grove; value n/a.
45831. Paul Kuhl; remodeling; 6030 S. FR 241, Rogersville; 19,500.
45832. Tremont Development; SFR; 2043 W. Willow Lakes Cove; 120,000.
45833. Randy Ware; SFR; 5872 N. FR 105, Willard; 70,000.
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The Courageous Church is growing its footprint with the addition of a new East Campus, made possible through a merger with the former Eastern Gate Free Will Baptist Church.