KSMU, the local National Public Radio affiliate located on the Missouri State University campus, will begin a monthly series encouraging community dialogue with MSU President James Cofer.
The series, dubbed "Ask the President" will air the third Friday of each month during KSMU's Morning Edition, with the first segment to air on Nov. 19, according to a news release.
“Naturally, Dr. Cofer views news events through the lens of a university president, with an eye on the implications for Missouri State University,” Tammy Wiley, KSMU general manager, said in the release. “‘Ask the President’ is a chance for community members to look through that lens with him and understand how news events, whether across town or across the globe, impact the campus community.”
The public can submit questions via phone at (417) 836-8205, by e-mail at
askthepresident@ksmu.org, or by commenting on KSMU's
Facebook or
Twitter pages.
"Ask the President" will be set up in conversation format, with Cofer speaking with KSMU's Jennifer Moore concerning the impact of events on the university and the local community.
KSMU - Ozarks Public Radio - is available on the FM stations 91.1 in Springfield, 90.5 in Branson, 90.3 in West Plains, 88.7 in Mountain Grove, 98.9 in Joplin and 103.7 in Neosho. It can also be listened to live on KSMU's
Web site.
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