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Melissa Bledsoe is promoted from interim associate dean of the Darr College of Agriculture.
Provided by Missouri State University
Melissa Bledsoe is promoted from interim associate dean of the Darr College of Agriculture.

MSU picks new interim Darr College of Agriculture dean

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Missouri State University’s Darr College of Agriculture is installing a new interim dean this summer.

Melissa Bledsoe, currently the college's interim associate dean, is taking on the top dean role on an interim basis starting July 1, according to a news release. Current interim dean Ken Brown has accepted the chief academic strategy officer position in the provost’s office.

"Bledsoe is a respected faculty member who exhibits significant strengths across the teaching, research and service spectrum,” Provost John Jasinski said in the release. “She has been laser- focused on student success and has also contributed to universitywide endeavors. Her service as interim associate dean has added to her portfolio, and her desire to lead the College of Agriculture is quite palpable.”

A national search for a permanent dean is scheduled to start this fall.

Ron Del Vecchio, the college's former dean, died in April 2022 of cancer, according to past reporting.


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