Springfield, MO
“A lot of employers don’t realize that vending can be an extension of their employee benefits,” says Emily Kinney of Kinney Vending. Kinney says businesses can use their vending program to provide incentives to employees and reward them for achieving goals. Jeff Lee of Kinney vending says a loyalty program allows employees to choose a local charity such as Sammy’s Window or Care to Learn to receive a charitable donation in their name.
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Duration: 1:55
Video Transcription:
- - A lot of employers don't realize that vending can be an extension of their employee benefits. I'm Emily Kinney. - And Jeff Lee from Kinney Vending.
- We're actually reaching and incentivizing and rewarding the vending customer. Another thing that we can do through our loyalty program is give free items. So because they are registered as a user, they have the app, they're purchasing using their loyalty program it records their purchases. We have hundreds of free items every quarter, every calendar quarter, and they are purchasing the things that they would purchase any day, milk, snacks, and they get free items.
- In addition to that we also, as a company, provide back to the employee a charitable contribution on behalf of them that they get to choose for every purchase made through our loyalty program.
- So in that way we're able to really impact our community and we partner with our customer and also, not just with our customer but with that customer's employee. And it really makes a connection from the top down.
- Those are not just nationwide programs. These are local, Care to Learn, Sammy's Window. This is stuff that's happening right here in Springfield. Technology in vending today has come so far in such a short period of time and it allowed us to connect with our customer like never before.
- We might have a company that has sales targets that they would like to hit. And they want to reward their team for hitting those sales targets. We have a program where we can do that using vending.
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