Owner/developer: Springfield-Greene County Park Board
General contractor: Branco Enterprises Inc. (Neosho)
Architect: Hood-Rich Inc.
Engineers: Hood-Rich, civil and structural; Smith-Goth Engineers Inc., mechanical, electrical and plumbing
Size: 38,603 square feet
Estimated cost: $5.2 million
Lender: None
Estimated completion date: December
Project description: Plans include a gymnasium with a track; cardio/weight training and aerobics areas; child care, community and game rooms; a refreshments area; and locker rooms, according to Jenny Fillmer Edwards, public information administrator for the Springfield-Greene County Park Board. The facility, designed to meet Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design-Silver certification, is funded through revenue bonds supported by a quarter-cent sales tax passed by voters in 2006 for $50 million in Park Board projects. Edwards said the center is designed for an aquatics addition as well as a gymnasium and track expansion, but funding sources have yet to be identified. A renewal of the 2006 sales tax, which sunsets this year, was not placed on the ballot in August 2011.
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