Springfield, MO
Address: 3032 W. Republic Road
Owner: Jack Hoke
General contractor: Carleton Building Co. Scott Felly is project manager.
Architect: Ron Sloan
Size: 5,300 square feet
Construction cost: Around $500,000
Financing: Liberty Bank
Estimated completion date: The building shell should be complete in the next 30 days, then infill will take place as tenants are added, said owner Jack Hoke. The building can accommodate up to four tenants.
Description of project: Featuring a pitched roof with architectural shake shingles and front dormers at the two main entrances, the building will be of brick and Efis, a stucco-like material applied over insulating foam. The two main entrances will also feature white columns, giving a colonial feel to the structure. [[In-content Ad]]
HR advisory firm says employers should proceed with Prop A ruling as is.