Springfield, MO
Protecting, Pricing & Marketing a New Product, sponsored by the Small Business Development Center at SMSU, will be held 5-7 p.m. The program is designed to provide the steps needed to move a product or service through the innovation process. The course fee of $45 includes an informational packet. For more information, call the SBDC at 836-5685.
Vacations, Holidays & Leave, a one-day employer seminar, will be held at the Holiday Inn North I-44. This program will cover common problems and recommended policies, as well as requirements under federal and Missouri law. The cost is $245 per person. Call 800-862-3337 for more information.
Conflict Management & Confrontational Skills, a one-day seminar, will be held at the Ramada Inn. This seminar will teach participants how to maintain control, confidence and composure in highly-charged situations. The cost is $99. For more information, call 800-255-6139.
Safety Council of the Ozarks will present Basic Concepts of Safety & Health 8 a.m.-12 p.m. This course covers basic safety concepts such as direct and indirect accident costs and the relationship between identified hazards and lost-time injuries. For more information, call 869-2121.
The Safety Council will also present Effective Safety Committees 1-5 p.m. This course will discuss the benefits of an effective safety committee as an element of a successful safety program.
Searching for the On-Line Goldmine: Making Money and Growing Your Business on the Internet, a satellite seminar sponsored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and IBM, will be held noon-2 p.m. at the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce. Participants will learn about powerful web design; turning browsers into customers; global opportunities on the web; conventional marketing in cyberspace; and more. The cost is $7, which includes lunch. To register, call Todd Houge at 862-5567.
Retaining Quality Employees, a Management Development Institute seminar, will be held 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at the Clarion Hotel. Lynne Haggerman, president of Career Services Inc., will speak on strategic, low-cost ideas to keep the best staff on the job, while increasing job commitment, satisfaction, trust and loyalty. The cost is $149. To register, call 836-5667.
A Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce's evening networking mixer will be held 5-7 p.m. at the Holiday Inn North, 2720 N. Glenstone. Admission is free for Chamber members and their guests, and reservations are not required. For more information, call Carol Wright at 862-5567.
The Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Association's Annual Swap Meet will be held eight miles west of Springfield on Highway 60 at the Ozarks Steam Engine Association Grounds. For more information, call Larry Voris at 881-1587 or Jeff Ruth at 767-4632.
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