Springfield, MO
Burrell Behavioral Health presents Resolutions, a series of six workshops to be held 6:30-8 p.m. beginning Aug. 10. The workshops are designed to give participants the opportunity to discuss solutions to a variety of situations experienced when coping with divorce or ending relationships. The cost is $55, and those interested may register by calling 269-7249.
Cox Senior Advantage is offering a Basic Computer Class, 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the educational services department at Cox South. This class is designed for the beginner and will discuss terminology, using a mouse and other basic computer usage. There is no fee for the program, but registration is requested. Call 269-4117.
Home-Based Businesses of the Ozarks will hold its next monthly meeting at Melters Restaurant, 1717 E. Cherokee. The focus of HBBO and the needs of its members will be discussed. Call 732-4151 for more information.
Associated Industries of Missouri is offering "Work Opportunity and Welfare-to-Work Tax Credits," 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at the Ramada Inn I-44, at the North Glenstone exit. The cost of the program is $85 for AIM members and $135 for nonmembers. Call 573-634-2246 for more information.
Southwest Missouri State University is offering a two-day course on Windows NT 4.0 System Administration Aug. 13 and 14 at the Jim D. Morris Center for Continuing Education. The cost of the course is $600 per person, and will teach the fundamentals of administering a Windows NT network, including how to administer users, groups and domains. Call 836-6660 for more information.
Vatterott College is offering an EPA Certification Test and review session at its offices, 1258 E. Trafficway. The cost is $110, and those previously tested and taking a retest can do so for $95. The session is conducted by Vatterott's HVAC instructors. Call 831-8116 to reserve a spot.
The Ozark Mountain Gem and Mineral Society will present its annual Rock Swap Aug. 15 and 16. There will be mineral specimens, gem stones both rough and polished finished jewelry and other related items to purchase or trade. The swap will be 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday. Call Eddie Maples at 725-3001 for more information.
Pin Oak Computer Assistance & Training will have a course on Microsoft Word 97, 9-11 a.m. at its office, 2003 E. Sunshine, Ste. G. Call Shelli Albright at 886-6666 for more information.
Sexual Harassment: How the employer's potential liability keeps getting bigger will be presented 8 a.m.-noon by Associated Industries of Missouri. This program offers 4.2 CLE and 4 CPE credits. The cost of the seminar is $85 for AIM/TRIM members and $135 for nonmembers. For more information, call 573-634-2246.[[In-content Ad]]
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