Springfield, MO
by Greg Williams and Karl Plumpe
The efforts to attract new and retain existing growing businesses and industries in 1999 will focus on our community's strengths. Springfield's proximity to the geographic and population centers of the country will promote the area's growth in warehousing and distribution.
As the national economy continues to be strong, businesses seeking expansion locations will place strong emphasis on communities having a motivated, trainable work force, a pro-business attitude, and an overall attractive cost of doing business.
The diversity of Springfield's economy enables our partnership for economic development to attract both manufacturing and service-sector industries. The marketing and project management efforts of the Springfield Business and Development Corporation and the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce will focus on attracting special industry machinery, fabricated metal products, plastics foam products, packaging machinery, catalog and mail-order houses, computer and data processing services, and miscellaneous business services.
These specific areas have been identified based on our business environment and those industries' requirements.
In 1999 we will build on the successes the community has achieved. We will market:
1. The start up and rapid expansion of First Card;
2. The expansion of a number of local manufacturers;
3. The success of the Partnership Industrial Center.
4. The availability and desire of the banking and developer sectors of the community to meet growing business financial and building needs; and
5. The strong work ethic and training capabilities of our Metropolitan Statistical Area's growing population as reasons why businesses should come to grow in Springfield.
Finally, our efforts in business and industry attraction will build on the growing national reputation of Springfield as a quality community for business. Our efforts will be targeted, rather than general, to enable us to nurture the diverse economic base we enjoy.
(Greg Williams is with the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce and Karl Plumpe is with City Utilities of Springfield.)
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