The state of Missouri is awarding more than $6.4 million to five projects in southwest Missouri that will increase energy savings and cut utility costs for low-income households.
Gov. Jay Nixon was in Springfield Wednesday to announce a series of stimulus grants for weatherization improvements as part of the Energize Missouri Housing program, according to a news release from the governor's office. The program is administering $25.6 million statewide and is expected to create 220 jobs across the state.
In southwest Missouri, the programs receiving grants are:
• Ozarks Area Community Action Corp., $2.3 million. OACAC will reach out to dispersed rural populations and improve energy efficiency of multihousing projects in Barry, Christian, Dade, Dallas, Greene, Lawrence, Polk, Stone, Taney and Webster counties.
• Missouri Ozarks Community Action and Associated Electric Cooperative Inc., $1.3 million. These two groups will partner to weatherize homes in MOCA's service area, which includes Camden, Crawford, Gasconade, Laclede, Maries, Miller, Phelps and Pulaski counties.
• Ozark Action Inc., West Plains, $1.1 million. OAI will focus on rural housing and implementing new measures such as lighting retrofits, new refrigerators and high-efficiency water heaters to promote electric savings. OAI is partnering with six rural electric cooperatives to weatherize homes in Douglas, Howell, Oregon, Ozark, Texas and Wright counties.
• Economic Security Corp., Joplin, $1 million. ESC will partner with Empire District Electric Co. to deliver efficiency services to homeowners in its service area, which includes Barton, Jasper, McDonald and Newton counties.
• MOCA, Richland/Lebanon, $720,000. MOCA will implement a project targeted toward low-income family homes in Lebanon, and the city will leverage funds toward weatherization of each home.
"In awarding these grants, we asked the agencies to look at innovative ways to benefit households often not reached through traditional weatherization programs,” Nixon said in the release. “Not only will those families see cost savings through lower utility bills, the projects have the added benefit of creating jobs installing insulation, changing out light and plumbing fixtures and myriad other energy improvements.”[[In-content Ad]]
A Springfield couple launched 24-hour fitness center Iron Knights Strafford; Springfield-based Meridian Title Co. LLC made its debut in Mount Vernon; and a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held in conjunction with the grand opening of Render Flooring LLC.