GHN’s staff comprises 11 full-time and three part-time employees. The company pays 100 percent of health insurance premiums for full-time staff. There is an employee mentoring program, and more than 90 percent of those in management were promoted from within. More than 20 percent of the company’s staff telecommutes. The company provides at least one membership in a professional or charitable group is provided for each employee. Other benefits include flex time and tuition reimbursement.
President Charles Hill answers SBJ’s questions:
How would you describe your company’s culture? We are an employee/family-centered business that works to accommodate the employees’ family needs. If (those) concerns are met, (staff members) can then focus on meeting the needs of our clients.
Beyond financial compensation, what benefits are most important to your staff? It varies with different employees, but I think giving them flexibility in their work schedule is probably most beneficial.
What methods do you use to involve employees in benefit decisions? We do an annual survey of our employees and ask for suggestions on how to improve GHN, which includes the benefit package. When health insurance comes up for renewal, we meet with a cross-section of employees with varied family situations. We get feedback on how the insurance has been working for them and if changes are needed, running through several “what if?” scenarios.
Give us some examples of how your benefits package has evolved to meet work-force needs. The best example is flex time, (followed by) a choice on which health insurance package best meets their needs. We have also expanded our 401(k) offering to include a Roth 401(k) option and expanded our insurance offering to several supplemental policies.
How does your company support professional development? We have continuing education programs in the office with lunch once a month. Employees may attend special programs related to their work and participate in chamber of commerce programs, and the professional society that represents their profession.
How do you reward employee accomplishments? It varies depending on the individual employee’s accomplishments. An example would be a framed (professional) registration certificate and an office party to celebrate the occasion.
What makes your company a family-friendly employer? I think flexible work time is one of the biggest helps. People know what they need to accomplish and the time they are expected to work. They also know they can coordinate with management to adjust their schedules to meet their needs.
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