Springfield, MO
Listed here are Greene County building permits filed for public record. Included in the listing are permit number, name of the applicant, project description, address and approximate cost. SFR=single family residence. Addresses are in the city of Springfield unless otherwise noted.
Oct. 2, 1998-Oct. 8, 1998
45280. Don Sheppard; garage; 7105 W. FR 64, Willard; 4,000.
45281. Ted Tyndall; pool; 3910 W. Riverbend Lane; 3,888.
45282. Springhill Baptist Church; addition; 7370 N. FR 159; 81,080.
45284. Bruce Headley; mobile home acreage; 4102 N. FR 245, Strafford; 8,500.
45285. Jeffrey D. Lee; 7575 E. U.S. Hwy. 60, Rogersville; 60,660.
45287. Spike Temple; residential remodel; 5884 N. FR 141; n/a.
45290. Robert Mays; SFR; 5841 N. State Hwy. F, Ash Grove; 57,240.
45291. V. Estalee Perry; garage; 3808 W. Kingsley; 5,760.
45293. Michael Robbins Custom Homes; SFR; 3564 W. Driftwood; 50,575.
45294. Larry H. Jones; office building; 688 S. State Hwy. B; 190,660.
45295. Turner Building; SFR; 641 W. Gray Rock; 40,200.
45296. Prince of Peace Lutheran Church; commercial remodel; 815 E. Plainview Road; 105,240.
45298. Mark Nation; garage; 3232 W. Camelot Ct.; 3,000.
45303. Roy Medlin; mobile home acreage; site address n/a; 5,000.
45304. Karl Berry; garage; 14617 W. FR 74, Ash Grove; 4,200.
45305. James Kays; SFR; 9713 W. FR 160, Republic; 25,335.
45309. Thresa and Ronald Dishman; pole barn; 10231 E. FR 104, Strafford; 2,000.
45310. Edward Thompson; mobile home park; 3851 W. FR 148, L42; 25,000.
45311. Don and Cathy Johns; SFR; 6895 N. FR 155; 103,650.
45313. Montileone Development; SFR; 3321 S. Ridgecrest Ave.; 43,000.
45314. Charles Gettle; SFR; 2750 E. Mullings Lane, Fair Grove; 58,050.
45315. Darrell West; garages; 6025 W. FR 94; 10,080.
45317. Arch-Wood Industries Inc.; SFR; 4315 W. State Hwy. O, Willard; 69,510.
45318. Wendell C. McAllister; SFR; 4945 N. FR 145; 0.
45319. Neal and Kim Wood; SFR; 809 S. FR 193; 110,250.
45322. Florence J. Edmonson; pole barn; 1614 S. FR 129; 10,000.
45323. Brad Looney; 2470 S. FR 69, Republic; 6,300.
45326. Ruth Dulin Sawyer; SFR; 2752 S. FR 87, Republic; 84,860.
45327. Clint Dyer; SFR; 4846 E. Cherokee; 62,820.
45328. Jack Isenberger; SFR; 107 Hughes Road; 39,225.
45329. Jack Isenberger; SFR; 121 Arrowhead Road, Willard; 29,040.
45330. Jack Isenberger; SFR; 125 Arrowhead Road; 28,225.
45331. Jack Isenberger; SFR; 119 Arrowhead Road; 28,225.
45332. Jack Isenberger; SFR; 117 Arrowhead Road; 29,040.
45333. Jack Isenberger; SFR; 115 Arrowhead Road; 28,225.
45334. Jack Isenberger; SFR; 113 Arrowhead Road; 28,225.
45335. Rick Tennis; commercial building; 905 S. FR 103, Willard; 120,000.
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A new and improved Reed Academy is being constructed on the middle school’s original site to preserve a neighborhood connection that goes back a century.